mushroom harvest pics


Well-Known Member
3 fruiting chambers
24 pans

harvesting 250-300g wet per day (~1oz dry) since thanksgiving

should keep going until new years...


Well-Known Member
innoculated to grain september 20
spawned to horse shit october 16
harvested november 9

estimated dates, within a day or two.


Well-Known Member
rye and millet and horse shit with some vermiculite on top. and some additives that aren't necessary.

wild bird seed works fine too.

horse shit is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
i've only eaten a few, kinda small ones. they kick my ass. you couldn't eat them all if you tried.

the horse manure substrate increases potency compared to pftek and grain casings.

i warn people before they take some to start with a low dose. some of the big ones may need to be split between two people.


Active Member
holy horse shit.. lol that is pretty rediculous. always wanted to try shrooms was never sure if it was a good idea though xD lol


Well-Known Member
these are the biggest I've grown. should be some more monsters from the second/third flushes.


Well-Known Member
ps: is the place to go for pics and info. my username is "nashbar" on there also.