Mushroom Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I don't get it :\. Are these tripping shrooms? :P. If so, I want a growing kit :).


Well-Known Member
Yes they are tripping shrooms, Shrooms are grown from seed spores. Spores contain none of the psychoactive ingredient(Psilocybin, Psiocin sorry for speeling) so they are not illegal to possess but growing them is illegal


Well-Known Member
I don't get it :\. Are these tripping shrooms? :P. If so, I want a growing kit :).
Yeah they are. Just Google 'magic mushroom growing' and you will find all you need to know. You don't really need a grow kit, its just a bit easier.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
haha nice MZN... i use the same tiny knorr jar for my mini stash.. my roomie is from the UK and he always cooks with those indian mixes... they are not common AT ALL over here in the US, i like em though

Cool. I don't usually get them, just got it and the jar came in handy! Unfortunate that jar didn't colonize though.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
hey mzn

i really want to buy that same kit i found one just like it on edit do you live in the us? because im over in IL and i know your legally allowed to have spores but not grow them so would buying an actual grow kit draw too much attn? im mean would it be okay i REALLY want to grow some



Well-Known Member
hey mzn

i really want to buy that same kit i found one just like it on edit do you live in the us? because im over in IL and i know your legally allowed to have spores but not grow them so would buying an actual grow kit draw too much attn? im mean would it be okay i REALLY want to grow some
Hey. I'm in the UK, so its pretty much the same laws, you can have spores legally but not cultivate them. The spores you get in the kit do not grow mushrooms cointaining psilocybin (don't know if you already know that). EDIT sell spores also. What i did was order the kit and spores about a day apart, that way they are in separate packages. I guess this makes it a little less obvious what you want them for.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
thx a lot for the advice man im def ordering those asap so what kind of mushrooms are they theyre edible but not Psychoactive ? cool
so im curious you have to dry shrooms right how do you go about doing that? is is just like dryin buds?



Well-Known Member
thx a lot for the advice man im def ordering those asap so what kind of mushrooms are they theyre edible but not Psychoactive ? cool
so im curious you have to dry shrooms right how do you go about doing that? is is just like dryin buds?
Yeah, the are just edible (oyster mushrooms), i haven't use mine, they are just laying around. To dry, i just put them between two sheets of paper and leave them in a draw for 2 or 3 days, usually does the trick. Then you can just keep them in the fridge for long term storage.

Peace out x


Active Member
dude, lol, green spots are bad. anything besides white mycelium is bad its contamination.
those dont look contamed though they look like there about to fruit. also looks like to much water in there, might be cob webb, another contamination. id check out shroomery.


Well-Known Member
but in the last few picks there are these really bright green dots ! tell me I'm not just seeing shit :P


Active Member
fools gold in the substrate! ...maybe, they grow on cow shit in the wild, your usually fine if theres no mold on the fruit, a little blue cheese never hurt


Well-Known Member
what are thoes bright green spots? are they bad, good, indifferent?
Lol, sorry for the confusion. The green spots are from my marker pen to see how fast it was colonizing. There does look like there is a bit to much water in there, it came like that though.

Peace out x