Murder Males?

I'm ever so curious as to what each of you do with your male plants.

Do you just chuck 'em as you see 'em?

Can they be grown through their vegetative state, put through flowering, harvested then smoked????

Please... educate me!



Well-Known Member
They can be flowered, but aren't very good to smoke. The leaves are about all that are worth any thing, if they do get crystals. I've seen more people use them for hash than anything. Mine go straight to the compost.
I use male fan leaves for hash
thank you both for you responses.

cph - any insight as to harvesting/preparing male leaves for smoke?? i've done a lot of searching and can't find much on the topic...

maz - now, this will just sound silly, i'm sure -- but what does one do with hash? also - any insight to the resale value??


Well-Known Member
Not really mine don't stick around long enough to be anything but compost. I haven't made any hash YET!!!

You smoke hash.


Well-Known Member
males are useless. Just kill them the pollen they have will surely reach and female. In fact the polen can stay and ruin future grows.


Well-Known Member
and no male plants do not contain enough trichs for hash. unless you have 100 or more males to turn into a few grams of hash. The trichs for on buds cause its protect the seeds that will grow from heat exposure.
so the males do get crystals? tell me what i need to do with a male to get hash, this is the first ive heard of this everyone has always said toss them.


Well-Known Member
you will not get hash from a male....Not at all they dont get crystals i was just making a point. saying you would need over a 100 male plants to get a gram or two of hash is a overstatement. Males do not need trichomes cause they open so much quicker then females there life cycle is very fast.
I'm surprised with the contradictions.

I find it hard to believe that so many people find the male plants to be completely useless...


Active Member

when your talkin males your talkin leaf, thats it, cant do anything with pollen glands or stems, yes you can smoke it. but its unpleasant. its dire time weed only, less than 20 dollar a pound for that shit.

straight hash can work, but i would suggest using a butane hash oil extractor myself, gets the trich's and the iddy biddy teeny weeny bit of thc in those leaves. or you can cook with it, its not really gonna get you high but it makes for some flaverfull trout, some tasty tea, little butter for da bagel, also fresh green leaves great on a salad (wash em first to get the fert off) maybe a light scrub to get the prickles off.

or try and force it to herm, it will still smoke like shit, but the thc content will be a tiny bit higher, also increases output for oil.

or if you want to do some of your own breeding, keep the male, top it right above the second node, and remove every branch but one. then watch it like a MF hawk. check it 25 times a day if you have to, when you see the first ball begin to open cut that section of branch off run some thread through it and put it hanging down in a small loosely sealed tupperware container (outside the grow room) in a day or less there should be some dust on the bottom of the container when you see that happens take the rest of the male and chuck it. take the flowers left over in container and chuck them. leave container in open, in an air conditioned room for about 1- 2 hours(allowing temp acclimatization and moisture reduction, increases storability), cap tightly wrap in something light proof and store in the fridge, should keep for anywhere from days to months depending on conditions.

OR. if you just really need something to do, veg it longer and when it gets tall harvest it mash the stalk some, and start seperating fibers, get out gramas spinning wheel (you didnt sell it at the yard sale did you??). and spin you up some twine, then sell it to the "dirt leg" hippies, or collect the twine and then make a rope, and sell that to some olde timey pirates :-)

hope that helps