Active Member
Do you ever notice when getting baked with buddies, you just kinda sit there and you're not hungry til someone mentions food? The first thing anyone mentions at all, sounds like the most delicious thing in the world, no matter what it is.
It goes something like this for me:
WN: "Man, this shit is good. I like the way the carpet feels on my toes and shit"
Friend: "Yeah, my face feels all heavy and shit...."
Friend: "Hey....Hey...I want ____"
So you get hungry and you realize that you're too baked to drive so you go through your cabinets and get excited when you find brownies. So then you decide to make them and you take 20 minutes figuring out how to do so.
I always find that when I'm stoned and I have to do anything it feels like a quest because it takes so long. I'm so lethargic just getting up from the couch feels like the first book in lord of the rings. I'm like "Well, fuck it, Boromir is dead, let's roll"
Then as you progress through whatever it is you're doing you start to realize the end may actually be in sight. Then you get to the store/food is almost done and you're like "Holy shit, I may actually complete this in my lifetime"
So once you have the food in hand you're like "Fuck yes, Mission Complete. Level up, nigga"
Haha, just me?
It goes something like this for me:
WN: "Man, this shit is good. I like the way the carpet feels on my toes and shit"
Friend: "Yeah, my face feels all heavy and shit...."
Friend: "Hey....Hey...I want ____"
So you get hungry and you realize that you're too baked to drive so you go through your cabinets and get excited when you find brownies. So then you decide to make them and you take 20 minutes figuring out how to do so.
I always find that when I'm stoned and I have to do anything it feels like a quest because it takes so long. I'm so lethargic just getting up from the couch feels like the first book in lord of the rings. I'm like "Well, fuck it, Boromir is dead, let's roll"
Then as you progress through whatever it is you're doing you start to realize the end may actually be in sight. Then you get to the store/food is almost done and you're like "Holy shit, I may actually complete this in my lifetime"
So once you have the food in hand you're like "Fuck yes, Mission Complete. Level up, nigga"
Haha, just me?