Well-Known Member
I get it, I get it... VirsaSpectra is the more costly of the cheapo’s. Overall lower quality than choice LED for a multitude of reasons. I get it.
But I’m starting my first grow soon. I’m gathering equipment; patiently piecing together local bargains where I can. I’ve gotten a pretty good GENERAL idea of popular opinion on these threads, about what lights, grow mediums, techniques, and equipment are best, worst, and just usable. You’ve all taught me a lot so far and I am very appreciative. I’ve enjoyed learning and rigorously dissecting your grow journals and growing from your experiences. Thank you.
I’ve got 4 big fat enormously populated worm bins going. 40,000 worms. 40 lbs!! 10lbs per bin.
I’ve got my hot compost system up and going (hard work gathering and starting a big pile from scratch). There are multiple separate piles, all chemical and pesticide free. My main pile is manure-free, just leaves(collected from state park) and plant waste and kitchen scraps. I’m composting cow, horse and chicken manure from my own animals (neighbors cows, my horses and chickens) separately, more for science than anything. I’d like to compare the use of different manures in my outdoor garden veggies and flowers also, so why not.
I’ll be building a living soil, likely from a base of 33% compost (half WC half cooked), 33% Peat, and 33% aeration- not sure of the exact mix I’ll choose or aeration I’ll choose yet. I’ve got a list (not subcools) of stuff to beef it up with that I’ll be using, (mainly from following a few well known members here)
I’ve got a 6” air cooled hood, 1000w digital ballast and some good hps/mh bulbs already. Plan as of now- Veg with 400-600mh, flower 1000hps. Still in the market for a couple tents (in abundance used in surrounding counties) fans and filters, and some other stuff. I plan on a 4x4 flower tent, similar or slightly smaller veg tent.
You all may say, well none of that info has anything to do with your question why are you telling us about yourself jerk?! But it has everything to do with my question. I want you all to see how important this shit is to me, dammit. It matters to me about the quality and efficiency and care and love that goes into/comes out of my shit.
So. That being said. I was looking for equipment on my local craigslist, and found someone selling a buttload of virsaspectra lights super cheap that were only used for 3 months (a failed grow).
These belong to someone on the last leg of life, losing a battle with cancer
I’ve spoken with her on the phone. She told me she bought them all brand new, still under warranty, she failed her first grow and now there’s no time to start again. She wants to make $500(firm) back on her $1300 investment.
Post here:
VIPARSPECTRA Dimmable Series PAR1200 1200W LED Grow Light - 2 Dimmers 12-Band Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg/Bloom
Price: $479.00 Free Shipping for Prime
VIPARSPECTRA Dimmable Series PAR700 700W LED Grow Light - 3 Dimmers 12-Band Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg/Bloom
Price: $329.00 Free Shipping for Prime Members
VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 450W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower
Price: $129.00 Free Shipping for Prime Members
All used for only 6 months, fully functional still, and under manufacturers warranty
“The above cost me $1369. Firm price is $500 for all 5 lights plus hanging pulleys, etc.
Email me for more details, please.”
So even though they’re cheap lights even before the cheap price for them all, are they SUFFICIENT enough to host some great veg/flower action?!
Is their inadequacy in the lack of overall power, an issue that could be solved by Putting two lights in?
Or is their inadequacy in the lack of broad-spectrum light...lacking a type of light my plant needs that even multiple lights won’t give?
Could I take advantage on a good price but use the LEDs PAIRED with HPS or MH during some cycle?
Is there ANY LOGIC OR BENEFIT to buying these lights at this price?
Or would I just be wasting $500 instead of $1300 on all these shitty lights?!?
Maybe a supah-smaht guy can tell me WHY these lights are/aren’t what my plants need. Lumens and fuckin’ red and blue and PAR all that jazz
**oh yeah- when considering what lights are and aren’t good for my situation- I’ll be sticking to canopy-style growing, particularly “8-16 main” mainlining, through a screen or grid, or just topping training and scrogging.
Flat canopies no trees.
Sorry for the length of post I’m just a newb
But I’m starting my first grow soon. I’m gathering equipment; patiently piecing together local bargains where I can. I’ve gotten a pretty good GENERAL idea of popular opinion on these threads, about what lights, grow mediums, techniques, and equipment are best, worst, and just usable. You’ve all taught me a lot so far and I am very appreciative. I’ve enjoyed learning and rigorously dissecting your grow journals and growing from your experiences. Thank you.
I’ve got 4 big fat enormously populated worm bins going. 40,000 worms. 40 lbs!! 10lbs per bin.
I’ve got my hot compost system up and going (hard work gathering and starting a big pile from scratch). There are multiple separate piles, all chemical and pesticide free. My main pile is manure-free, just leaves(collected from state park) and plant waste and kitchen scraps. I’m composting cow, horse and chicken manure from my own animals (neighbors cows, my horses and chickens) separately, more for science than anything. I’d like to compare the use of different manures in my outdoor garden veggies and flowers also, so why not.
I’ll be building a living soil, likely from a base of 33% compost (half WC half cooked), 33% Peat, and 33% aeration- not sure of the exact mix I’ll choose or aeration I’ll choose yet. I’ve got a list (not subcools) of stuff to beef it up with that I’ll be using, (mainly from following a few well known members here)
I’ve got a 6” air cooled hood, 1000w digital ballast and some good hps/mh bulbs already. Plan as of now- Veg with 400-600mh, flower 1000hps. Still in the market for a couple tents (in abundance used in surrounding counties) fans and filters, and some other stuff. I plan on a 4x4 flower tent, similar or slightly smaller veg tent.
You all may say, well none of that info has anything to do with your question why are you telling us about yourself jerk?! But it has everything to do with my question. I want you all to see how important this shit is to me, dammit. It matters to me about the quality and efficiency and care and love that goes into/comes out of my shit.
So. That being said. I was looking for equipment on my local craigslist, and found someone selling a buttload of virsaspectra lights super cheap that were only used for 3 months (a failed grow).
These belong to someone on the last leg of life, losing a battle with cancer

Post here:
VIPARSPECTRA Dimmable Series PAR1200 1200W LED Grow Light - 2 Dimmers 12-Band Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg/Bloom
Price: $479.00 Free Shipping for Prime
VIPARSPECTRA Dimmable Series PAR700 700W LED Grow Light - 3 Dimmers 12-Band Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg/Bloom
Price: $329.00 Free Shipping for Prime Members
VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 450W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower
Price: $129.00 Free Shipping for Prime Members
All used for only 6 months, fully functional still, and under manufacturers warranty
“The above cost me $1369. Firm price is $500 for all 5 lights plus hanging pulleys, etc.
Email me for more details, please.”
So even though they’re cheap lights even before the cheap price for them all, are they SUFFICIENT enough to host some great veg/flower action?!
Is their inadequacy in the lack of overall power, an issue that could be solved by Putting two lights in?
Or is their inadequacy in the lack of broad-spectrum light...lacking a type of light my plant needs that even multiple lights won’t give?
Could I take advantage on a good price but use the LEDs PAIRED with HPS or MH during some cycle?
Is there ANY LOGIC OR BENEFIT to buying these lights at this price?
Or would I just be wasting $500 instead of $1300 on all these shitty lights?!?
Maybe a supah-smaht guy can tell me WHY these lights are/aren’t what my plants need. Lumens and fuckin’ red and blue and PAR all that jazz
**oh yeah- when considering what lights are and aren’t good for my situation- I’ll be sticking to canopy-style growing, particularly “8-16 main” mainlining, through a screen or grid, or just topping training and scrogging.
Flat canopies no trees.
Sorry for the length of post I’m just a newb