I'm just trying to sort it out. When you said flower I thought you meant the plant as a whole, my bad. Makes sense that you wouldn't want any part you smoke to be in bad shape, and that depriving the plant of nutrients won't alter what's in the buds. Also that depriving the plant of nutrients would only slow it's growth.
Thoughts on what my plant is deficient of based on the pics?
Going by just the pic you posted it looks as though it could be K and Mag...possibly P.
As for the flushing- I cant believe this debate is still going...especially with all the solid science and horticultural info available.
Leeching the medium periodically throughout the grow, say in coco, can be beneficial when using salt based ferts. But that is only to prevent burns or lockouts.
In soil, or even peat based, you're drowning roots by cutting off o2 as well as causing pH dives from soggy soil. This invites all sorts of issues.
Seasoned growers understand the best cannabis is produced by keeping plants happy all the way through the grow. Plants use less nutes and feeds should be adjusted accordingly. Even a slight fade is fine but not to the point the plant needs to pull from itself.
Smooth smoke comes from a good cure. Period. Depriving the plant by "flushing" copious amounts of water the last 2 wks is foolhearted. The crackling black ash and harsh smoke is
sugars that haven't broken down, again from poor curing/drying methods.
Nothing at all is "pulled" from buds.