Multiple plants in POT need help removing...


Active Member
This is my first grow and I made a few mistakes...I have planted 3 plants in 1 pot and need to remove the 1 male the popped. What is the best way to go about this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys and gals. I am using a hydroponic DWC in hydroton...


New Member
You can remove them. You do not want the old roots in there rotting.

You need to take a hose and totally wash away the dirt. Then either by filling a bucket or something else up with water. Then starting at the top working down while submerged in the water, gingerly pull the root masses apart. If it feels like they are tangelin, stop, dunk the roots up and down in the water and try again. You may lose a root strand here and there but itdoes work if you are careful. I have done this a bunch of times..


Active Member
Sounds like a sound method...would it also work if I snipped the roots from the top and then tried pulling them apart from the bottom? There is so much hydroton and shit in there I would hate to fuck up my other girls and turn em hermie...that would suck balls. You know what I mean like pull the plant like you would any outdoor plant and snip the roots when they look entangled and then try your method for the rest? I have a feeling only the lower roots are entangled because of how they are planted...


New Member
yea, sure. I would take a hose to the rootball and when the dirt is all washed off it should come apart easily..


New Member
ahh even easier then, just dip the roots p and down in the res then seperate under water..


Active Member
I'm glad I didnt leave the roots...I pulled that male and I beat it against a wall for being a filthy whore. Actually I just threw it away but thanks for all the help guys