Multiple colas from tying over?


Active Member
Hey all.

I had my girls trained over from about June till last w/e. I untied them, and now when I went to check, it seems as though three of the lower branches are growing upwards and look almost identical to the main stem. Is this possible, or am I just dreaming?

I forgot to add, the top 12" of the main stem is completely horizontal. Pretty cool to see it nothing else.

***So, even though a lousy picture, the three leaves on the right pointing up are three branches, and then 2 on the left. Funny thing is my blackberry takes better pics than my dig. cam. Dumb. @nd pic shows the stem, starts in the middle and goes down to the left. 3rd is just the 2, I'm so proud they have come so far.



Well-Known Member
Here ya go this is what tie'in them over will do

Oh yeah they'll shoot a bunch of colas off her trying to be queen bud. Sit back and enjoy the race,hehehehe


Well-Known Member
Tying them over achieves the very results you're describing. You want multiple colas, tie them over.


just been given advice to tie them down yesterday on this site,im on my first grow and at flower stage so lets hope it works......more bud the better.


Well-Known Member
nice fuckin crop sogbunn
thnx,, not bad for my second with an 8yr gap between the 2 huh??? keep an eye on my journal... gonna be big once this is harvested and the light rail moves in and i have sum meatty strain that i know what they r...


Well-Known Member
thats what tieing them down or supercropping is all about.. gettin ur lower branchs/buds to become tops.. like this... thats 7 plants and 12 sog clones in the corner.. many think its all sog clones cuzza the 12 in the corner but its not

very nice crop, my mouth is watering


Well-Known Member
Quick question: if cloning do you have to carry on vegging them until they recover from shock before you can put them in flowering? If so how long do they take to recover from shock?


Well-Known Member
Quick question: if cloning do you have to carry on vegging them until they recover from shock before you can put them in flowering? If so how long do they take to recover from shock?
u can put them on 12/12 as soon as they establish a soild root system... or r u talkin bout ur moms???


Active Member
I figured as much. I lst my plants last year and had good results, but what I'm seeing is exactly what is in Sogs first pic. It does seem as though they are all (4) trying to dominate. I sure as hell didn't do it on purpose, but if it works I found me the preferable method to topping or fimming, you can't screw this up.

I'll post a few pics tomorrow. Thanks for the info all.


Well-Known Member
I figured as much. I lst my plants last year and had good results, but what I'm seeing is exactly what is in Sogs first pic. It does seem as though they are all (4) trying to dominate. I sure as hell didn't do it on purpose, but if it works I found me the preferable method to topping or fimming, you can't screw this up.

I'll post a few pics tomorrow. Thanks for the info all.
top/fim till ya got 4 stems and then super crop!!!


Well-Known Member
u can put them on 12/12 as soon as they establish a soild root system... or r u talkin bout ur moms???
I was referring to clones.
I was planning on doing a SOG lolipop grow where I have to cut off the branches off lower 1/3 of the stalk but I need to wait for it to recover shock but do your plants not go through shock at all?


Well-Known Member
I was referring to clones.
I was planning on doing a SOG lolipop grow where I have to cut off the branches off lower 1/3 of the stalk but I need to wait for it to recover shock but do your plants not go through shock at all?
nah man... once they establish a solid root system, put them on 12/12... then wait a week or so to strip th botem 1/3 of the plant and then on the 3rd week, go bak and clean it up agn... u shulnt see ANY shock... SOGs alota work tho... if u do a big enuff 1 u gotta water them all and more often, clone them all time, move from room to room.... u can achevie the same resaults with supercropping and make it a perpetual grow