Multiple autoflower grow DR100, 600 hps


Well-Known Member
They are going to be squat little short girls. I wonder if they need a little more blue spectrum lighting in the beginning, for the short veg part of their life. Is that what you are trying to achieve with your added light?


Well-Known Member
No, it's just what I had. I think I stunted them by over watering for a few weeks honestly. I hope they develop a bit more. I haven't watered them in what seems forever, but I'm just gonna keep a close eye on them for wilting, and then just go from there I guess. Thanks for the response.


Well-Known Member
I have another thought for your consideration. Perhaps the ffof is mildly over nuted for seedlings. I have read it on a few different forums and web sites. I have also seen more experienced growers use a milder soil on top of a richer mix. The seedling develops in a blander soil. By the time the roots get to the rich stuff they are old enough to handle it. That combined with over watering is probably a part of your issue. I thought I read that you were switching to hydro so maybe it won't matter next time


Active Member
Like the setup. Love the plants. Even tho there short they are some bushy fuckers. How much are you trying to yeild of each plant? Keep it up the good work.


Well-Known Member

Some new pics of my plants. I trimmed maybe 4 leaves from each plant due to them being sooooo bushy. They seem to be doing better, but the damage has already been done. The one pic is of my new oil heater. The buds seem to be pretty dense as well. Hopefully by this summer I'll have the AC unit in there, a thermostat, and my ebb and flow tables tuned in. This sure adds up in a hurry...


Well-Known Member
My yield is incredibly embarrasing. I made these plants as retardedly developed as I think anyone could have. On the other hand,I'm waiting for my mothers to get big enough to clone. I will definately let you know when my clones are ready... The first batch are Barneys farm red dragon. After that I have chronic, and blue cheese. I'll see what the yield is like on each, and decide what I want to keep around.
Ok, I have a few different strains of autos I'm going to be growing. I just moved to a new place and I'm giving it a go. Here is my setup:

DR100 3'x3'x6'.

450 cfm fan/carbon filter.

3 gallon grow bags.

600w lumatek hps light cool tube (haven't been running at 600 yet because I'm waiting for a ladder to run my ducting to the attic, and frankly my plants are still fairly small.

Fox Farm ocean forest.

Fox farm nutes.

These are the strains I will be growing:
I see you have experience with the 600 watt lamp in the dr100 grow tent - you recommend the lamp 600 watts or better to take a 400 Watt lamp? I have CoolTube.