Multi vitamin water


Active Member
What a strange post. It seems pretty obvious what you were intending to do, but there I go assuming again, it sounds like you are talking about a beverage you buy at the gas station, but maybe you are just making your own mixture of vitamins. Of all the possible ways to structure your post (background, justification, pictures, results, anything) you provide 8 words and then ask for human contact....I have seen idiocracy, this sounds eerily similar, and I guess everyone wonders about giving beverages to plants at some point, but most quickly discard it either after the 8th grade science fair or after realizing most products for human consumption are not good for any living thing. Good luck to you though, if you decide to post any sort of reasoning or description of your results then it will look less like you are just looking for company. I'm curious, what is the PH of the vitamin water and do you adjust it or just crack a bottle and pour it in. Do the different flavors make your girls taste like berries and such?


I just intended to wind up the self proclaimed expert growers. I only watered like this about 3 times.


I just intended to wind up the self proclaimed expert growers. I only watered like this about 3 times.
Lol..beleive it or not, your not crazy, plants and animals for the most part use the same vitamins and minerals. I do the same thing. I take a 3 liter ginger ale soda bottle (most water soluable vitamins are UV light sensetive, ESPECIALLY the B vitamins, so lightproof or tinted bottles stored in a dark closet work best), fill it with R/O water, and pop 10-12 multivitamins in it and let it sit for 24hrs. Give it a good shake after 24 hrs, you will notice an orange froth floating at the top (this froth is the fat soluable vitamins A, D, E, and K; oil floats on water ladies and gents). Just a heads up, some trace minerals like iron wont be taken up by the plants, has to do with ferrous vs ferric form (Fe3+ vs Fe2+). Im sure there will critics out there but its cheap and I know its not harmful because ive been doing it for long time. As far as seeing any benifit, I havnt performed any double blind experiments, but I do have a degree in biology and have taken a 4 month college course in plant physiology so I know most of the minerals are taken up in the same form. Lol use google scholar if you dont beleive it. Search words like: plant physiolgy vitamins trace minerals.