multi strain grow need advice..


Active Member
just wandering if anyone has grow with these strains and all advice you could give a first time grower would be much appreciated....


there all still still babys only bout 3-4days with first set of leaves on em.. got pics on my grow journal.. thanks

miz yeska

my babies r a week old and are showing sighns of rootlock! i used 1/2 nutes for only one day and after that they all took a turn for the worst! the past 2days i've been flushing them with filtered water but they still look sad and droopy! the ph h is good and there not over watered can someone please give me any advise to bring them back?


Well-Known Member
my babies r a week old and are showing sighns of rootlock! i used 1/2 nutes for only one day and after that they all took a turn for the worst! the past 2days i've been flushing them with filtered water but they still look sad and droopy! the ph h is good and there not over watered can someone please give me any advise to bring them back?
just wait it out. you over waterd them... Dont give seedlings anything... for two weeks or more