Multi Strain 400WATT HPS. Flowering :)


Active Member
Hey RIU, SO I am fairly new to the site and love it! I don't even watch TV or play Xbox now I just sit on the computer or my iphone for hours and read,research and contribute. LOVE IT, Wonderful and very informative place. So I have been growing for awhile but am learning new things everyday. This is my first run to be posted on RIU, Not perfect pictures but gives you an idea of my basic setup which is:

400 WATT HPS with 120 WATTS or so of extra Side and lower CFL light added.(2700k-6500k mix)
Pro Mix BX
2-2.5 Gal. (few of each mixed)
ALL botanicare nutes:
Pro Grow(veg),Pro Bloom, and Liquid karma.

Mango,Lemon Kush(2),G13 Haze,Blue Dream,Old Blue,Satori

This run I was in a rush and some of the stunted clones didn't get as tall as i'd like (very small), whereas others like the g13 haze shot up to the sky, So next time I will train more as I do enjoy strain variety. Here's some basic random pictures of what I got going. Its hard to see some of the strains as they are far left and short so not really in shot. Any advice or tips are gladly accepted. Thanks bongsmilie

2)G13 Haze
3)Group photo :mrgreen:


Active Member
No comments or suggestions? C'mon RIU I contribute and give advice.... obviously someone has to has have some constructive criticism? TIPS??? SUGGESTIONS..? :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me. I would bump up the light for that many plants, go with bigger pots, and only grow one or two strains or at least try to go with strains that will keep the canopy even or supercrop as needed to keep them even.

Unless the pictures are from different distances, your haze plant certainly has the nicest looking bud at this point.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. Pretty much what I expected to hear, and the pictures are from random distances I took a few at diff times in the same day. Yeah that's my problem I had to raise the light. So the sativa doms are getting more intensity. The shorter indicas will have fluffier bud but its personal so that's no biggie. Thanks again.


Like he said try going with 2 strains at most and I would go with a couple less plants... or bump it up to a 1k hps air cooled. But they look good, and all the matters is you keep learning and you will be a pro in no time;)


Well-Known Member
Btw when you say bump up light, you are referring to going bigger in wattage? Not increasing height from canopy obviously correct?
Right, I would buy a 600 or 1000 watt or add some LEDs if you have deep pockets and are interested in them. They put off way less heat per light than CFLs.


Active Member
^^ thanks. I really am considering getting a nice led panel to add to my room so I can really cover and penetrate canopy and increase my yield. I am just waiting to decide on what as I am a horrible decision maker. :leaf: