Multi Strain 250w HPS Parabolic mini ScrOG


Well-Known Member
When I get some money or when the SDG matures a bit I'll be vegging clones or seeds (I would like different flavours) in this setup, so a few more weeks perhaps.

Finally got the new box all painted, light proofed and the rest. the best addition, because it's under my computer desk, is the new surveillance system lol, found an old webcam and mounted it on the wall, got it connected to my computer so I can check on them without even opening the door XD

2012-05-16 15-26-15.283.jpg

pretty cool? :)

Anyway until next time. Stay Frosty!


Well-Known Member
Not much to report, coming up to week 5 of flower, the screen is totally filled now. Will put up pics at week 5

The sativa dominant Amnesia Lemon has just stopped her stretch short of the ceiling :) and everything is looking brilliant well on par for a good harvest lol.

Only thing I was stopping in for was to throw some thoughts out there. Because this grow is looking to be my best and highest yielding yet I'm considering a jump to LED's off of the proceeds, back to the dreams of my first grow :D Plus I'm a lot more confident in them as the technology has progressed so much more in the past 2 years since I brought my first one, but all the research I did is still in the ol' noggin somewhere and the only change really is the wattage of the diodes.

I've found a bad ass 900w LED panel with the 3w CREE LED's for £576 or something which is damn cheap compared to how much they used to cost. Though this amount seems a bit too much so I'm going to roll with a 500w Blackstar with my current 90w UFO and get another 135w UFO (only about £90).

Now my only problem is finding a reputable supplier... the last guys I got my UFO from took 3 months or so to send me the panel and I don't want that shitty experience again.

If anyone has any insight as to UK based LED suppliers it would be great to hear from you!

I'll also look in the LED section and see if I can't find anything useful.

Stay Frosty!


Active Member
hi mate

just read an easy to to keep your nutes cool when you start your hydo system
copper coil in a bucket/bin fill with water and 2ltr bottle of frozen water changed each day
temp controler, so auto on/off to keep temp good

use a pump to pump the nutes though the copper tube and back to tank


Well-Known Member
lol thanks, but I don't have the floor space for stuff like that :) just going to use frozen bottles if the res gets too hot, once this grows complete I think I'm going to invest in a nice 400-500w LED system so res temps wont be an issue :D


Active Member
lol thanks, but I don't have the floor space for stuff like that :) just going to use frozen bottles if the res gets too hot, once this grows complete I think I'm going to invest in a nice 400-500w LED system so res temps wont be an issue :D
just built mine in a 4 gallon bucket, just got to get the temp control and it will be as good as a chiller if i remember to change the bottle each day

had all parts from when i built a water cooled pc :):)


Active Member
hi mate

you like using led's and i can grow more plants like this one
if i made the canopy larger and grow a few plants
how well would these grow under led's and yeild
would you think it anything like the yeild from my hps, gram per watt.
as heat is a problem for me 4 mouths of the year

as i never seen a led grow light




Well-Known Member
I reckon in a ScrOG/Micro grow LED's will give better gram per watt than HPS (due to the extra heat hps put out affecting yield)... I knew a grower on here that yielded 2oz from 1 x 90w UFO which is about 0.6 gpw BUT the newer LED's these days have much better penetration and a lot more suitable wavelengths, you could probably get between 0.8 and 1.5 gpw once you have ScrOG growing unlocked :)

One thing I'll say about LED's is they do make the room quite warm, but gradually and it's really easy to cool the room, could probably run your big extractor at about 1/4 - 1/2 strength.


Active Member
thank mate

will have look into some led's and when i get more money will be buying some

how's you grow going ?


Well-Known Member
Going alright, they sleep during the day for heat issues so I forget to take pictures lol.

I'm just hoping I get enough from this grow to fund my LED habbit :)

The buds seem to be developing quite slowly but then again I'm used to 6 - 8 week strains not 10-12'ers. I'm also liking the look of the Amnesia Lemon buds, going all double helixy XD looks sick!

The sweet deep grapefruit I haven't even checked on for a week or so lol gotta turn that computer on and boot up the web cam :)


Active Member
i would not compare my grow to your, as you are using leds, and going for good quality smoke and different strains
should have clicked on before when you said my buds are bigger than your buds and i said my light are closer to my plants

you are doing a small grow and have a harvest every 2 weeks a different smoke, that sound good :):)

i have a large yielding strain with the same smoke every harvest but what to learn how to get the best out of these plants
and growing under 2 x 600w hps

one day i would like to grow under leds and see how it works out
and it would be good to see your grow
sorry for any misunderstanding

and hope you get the funds for your new leds



Well-Known Member
i would not compare my grow to your, as you are using leds, and going for good quality smoke and different strains
should have clicked on before when you said my buds are bigger than your buds and i said my light are closer to my plants

you are doing a small grow and have a harvest every 2 weeks a different smoke, that sound good :):)

i have a large yielding strain with the same smoke every harvest but what to learn how to get the best out of these plants
and growing under 2 x 600w hps

one day i would like to grow under leds and see how it works out
and it would be good to see your grow
sorry for any misunderstanding

and hope you get the funds for your new leds

only this harvest will be every 2 weeks lol and that's only strain related :)

At the moment I'm looking for a good keeper strain that I can run time and time again, and that usually means trying them out, I don't like taking peoples word for stuff since there are so many different phenotypes of everything.

Once I have a good tasting high yielding decent quality strain I'll keep it and max the shit out of it :D I think (or hope) I'll find all of those qualities in the berry bomb when I get some! I think next grow I'll be running Berry Bomb and Cinderella 99.

The main reasons I want to run LED's is because they are a LOT cheaper on the electric, a 400w LED will run cheaper than a 250w HPS I think 'cause of the extra amps the ballast draws in the HPS's. And because they run cooler (and look cooler :D)

I didn't think there was a misunderstanding lol :)


Active Member
hi mate
it good to here that you are going for a good pheno from one of the strain you are growing and maxing it out
i have done this a couple of time's and if you need any help just ask
the only thing's i would do if you want to keep a pheno for a long term use is

use regular seeds most strains will go Hermie after a few crops

throw any stretch/thin plants
heat/cold stress the plants get rid of weak plants
and only keep the most healthy plants,
and out of them keep the one's that root easy

and then keep the one that has the best smoke

you can find a killer pheno out of any strain but it take's a lot of plants
but once you have it
and lean how to grow it, you can yeild a lot of top quality bud every time



Well-Known Member
Here's a bit of mild eye candy for you, not buds (sorry), ladies still sleeping!

But I just finished making this, the mid section is done on the lathe and I hand carved the rest with a hammer and chisel... they're the only tools until I buy a carving kit type deal. Consider this my practice run:


Treated on the inside with linseed oil to waterproof it (3 coats), treated on the outside with linseed oil for the colouring (2 coats) and then topped off with a nice bit of varnish on the outside for the shine!

I've yet to make a down stem for her yet but the hole is cut to fit comfortably any 18.8 glass joint size :D

The head is more of a cap to look complete but it turned out a bit small and I ran out of wood to make another one :/ live and learn lol.


Get to load her up tomorrow once all the finishes have soaked in and settled, looking forward to it!

Let me know what you think, the next one will be better and on ebay/etsy XD


Active Member
hi mate

it feels good when you make or design something and it works well :):)
good luck selling them on eBay


Well-Known Member
I think this is week 6 now, gotta check the calendar but I think I got it wrong last update :)

Finished setting up the super stealth cab... you can still hear the LED fans through the 9mm wood :/ but it's not terrible.

I took the middle control bucket out of the little system I had, and am going to go for 2 large plants in this ScrOG with a few little 2 litre hempy pots to the sides (single cola plants). Had to sell some of my equipment to a friend 'cause I had bills to pay, kind of annoying but I suppose it's ok.

Can't afford new genetics at the moment, though I really want some berry bomb plants, so I'm going to go with clones from the Sweet Deep Grapefruit, another annoying thing is I opened the new cab and it was full of little black flies... shit just doesn't want to go right this turn round lol... gave it a clean down, hung the plant upside down in soapy warm water (with my hand over the medium so no spillages) cleaned the pot, rubbed down the leaves and squished and sprayed the remaining flies down so there shouldn't be any left... check in a few days and see though.

As for the flowering ladies, nothing to report, a touch of nute burn from the big bud, but I've finished the big bud cycle so they can chill a bit.

This White Widow has had a secondary stretch period and is now quite tall above the screen but has now 'crowned off', hopefully the buds will grow as tall as the stems are :) that'd be sweet. This is not an 8 week strain lol, she'll probably go 9-10 weeks, touch wood she starts filling out soon!

Amnesia Lemon is still going nicely, frosting up and filling out slowly, she looks really nice :) looking forward to her, but she's going to be a LONG time... patience!

Sour Candy is again going strong, really good for ScrOG she's staying low and just the buds are growing up, very little stem'age and very few leaves in the buds, she's looking great, I reckon she'll be nice and fat around the week 8-10 mark, think i got a quicker pheno than the recommended 10-12 weeks. I'll have to get pics soon, I've left you guys in the dark too long lol :)



Stay Frosty!


Active Member
hi matchbox

i like the setup and lots of bud sites
you should get some dank bud off these girls


Well-Known Member
Week 9'ish - Flower

They've come a long way since my last update.

The White Widow shot up another 5 or 6 inches and has been filling the stems in with bud, just waiting on her to ripen up now but she's looking good for yield, she was supposed to be done in 8 weeks... yeah like the breeder ever gets it right lol... looking like a 10 weeker, I'm actually going to fully develop her with no early chopping this time round!

Sour Candy is going really helluva frosty smells beautiful but not really bulking up in the sense of height, the buds are low, only 1-2" above the screen but filling out nicely none the less, hopefully she'll start to look fatter once chop time comes, looks like she'll be a 10-13 week strain.

Amnesia Lemon has kinda just stopped growing height wise, some of the stems are bulking out, I have an odd mutant stem that kind of started developing into 2 'fused' stems so the bud on that looks crazy but isn't filling in as much as I'd like, but hey she's supposed to be a 12 week strain minimum so I'm guessing a good 13-15 weeks and she'll be done... kind of a long time to wait, touch wood she'll be done sooner, I'm really looking forward to a good lemon smoke!

No pics yet they're sleeping. I'll do some before and after harvest (of the white widow at least) in a week or so!

Stay Frosty.


Active Member
sounds good and its good that you are not chopping early
and most strains will go 1-2 weeks later to get the best yeild you can.

i have started my bubble system and its looking great with lots of roots

hope to see some pic's of your grow soon