Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...


Active Member
Ur plants r looking amazing...I'm also wondering how much ur gonna yiled per a first time grower, i'm wondering when do u no when to harvest? I also am wondering how often do u water?
I am in the last weeks but want my babies to be as good as possible so i'm not sure when to cut them down...I also heard ur suppost to let them sit in the dark for 48 hrs b4 u this true?
Thanks and happy harvest


Well-Known Member
Ur plants r looking amazing...I'm also wondering how much ur gonna yiled per a first time grower, i'm wondering when do u no when to harvest? I also am wondering how often do u water?
I am in the last weeks but want my babies to be as good as possible so i'm not sure when to cut them down...I also heard ur suppost to let them sit in the dark for 48 hrs b4 u this true?
Thanks and happy harvest
thanks Matt, glad you like my ladies...i'm hoping for an oz per plant, a few might do more and a few less, but round there...depending on strain, most folks get an oz per plant when doing 12/12 from seed...just do alot of reading cause what you're asking is very basic stuff, not too be rude, it's all been said before, look in the FAQ section on this site, it's very helpful...check this out too,, good shit bout harveseting...once you've gone through a few harvests, you can just start to tell when your plants are done, they'll turn darker in color, the hairs will all mostly be orange and red, and then i check the trichomes with a mag scope, you can get one at radioshack for under 20 bucks, make sure its over 60x and lighted...go by this chart....watering is different for most plants and container sizes, but i've been watering every 4 days or so...i pick up the pots, i know what they feel like when they need water and the soil will look dry...and i just tried the 48hrs of darkness before harvest for the 1st time on my last grow, i noticed some extra crystals...i hope that helped, good luck and the best advice i can give you is READ, READ, and READ some more!!



Well-Known Member
The 48 hours of darkness thing there is alot of speculation here as to its benifits. I am uncertian that it benifits the amount trich's. (I dont think it adds trichs and it may cause them to turn color but 2 more days under the light would also change them a bit more as well) I think it does help with getting chlorophyll removed from the plants better/quicker.

If its better nicer crystals your looking for add some uvb light to the plants during blooming the results from doing this will be way more aparrant than that 48 hrs of darkness thing. I am not saying that doing 48 hours of darkness is a bad thing. I have done it before and I think it made it taste/smoke nicer/better but the buzz pretty much the same as the other plants that wernt dark for that 48. I am in a staggered rotation now and cant do that 48 hour dark thing but I am not sure I would even bother with if I could your basicly just adding 2 days to your cure time for what is perhaps a bit better tasting smoke with about the same buzz and I am totally happy with the taste without that long dark pierod.

Adding uvb light and lowering humidity towards the end of flowering would be better methods for trying to "top out" the quality of any various strain. The fact of the matter is that the amount/type of trich's and the level of cannaboides are strain dependant, meaning that the genitics have to be there and those crystals are going to be as good as the strain will allow. How well there taken care of, grown and cured are a way smaller part of the equasion than the genitics when it comes down to Cannaboide levels.


Well-Known Member
The 48 hours of darkness thing there is alot of speculation here as to its benifits. I am uncertian that it benifits the amount trich's. (I dont think it adds trichs and it may cause them to turn color but 2 more days under the light would also change them a bit more as well) I think it does help with getting chlorophyll removed from the plants better/quicker.

If its better nicer crystals your looking for add some uvb light to the plants during blooming the results from doing this will be way more aparrant than that 48 hrs of darkness thing. I am not saying that doing 48 hours of darkness is a bad thing. I have done it before and I think it made it taste/smoke nicer/better but the buzz pretty much the same as the other plants that wernt dark for that 48. I am in a staggered rotation now and cant do that 48 hour dark thing but I am not sure I would even bother with if I could your basicly just adding 2 days to your cure time for what is perhaps a bit better tasting smoke with about the same buzz and I am totally happy with the taste without that long dark pierod.

Adding uvb light and lowering humidity towards the end of flowering would be better methods for trying to "top out" the quality of any various strain. The fact of the matter is that the amount/type of trich's and the level of cannaboides are strain dependant, meaning that the genitics have to be there and those crystals are going to be as good as the strain will allow. How well there taken care of, grown and cured are a way smaller part of the equasion than the genitics when it comes down to Cannaboide levels.
yeah, exactly, i agree...i ment to say earlier, i read that the darkness before harvest betters taste, cause all the shit runs down to the roots...someobody else said it tightens buds, but who knows...i loved how my buds turned out last time so i'm def gonna do it, about the uvb light, i haven't researched much on it, but i've heard the same it a reptile light you can get from a pet store? and would one bulb do anything on my garden?? i'm very interested in this and i could add it now in my grow...


Well-Known Member
i was just reading bout uvb light and adding some during flowering?? do ya'll know anything bout his?? how bout you Syrius? i have no idea and there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus...would one uvb lamp be good for my garden? i appreciate any suggestions ya'll got...



Well-Known Member
The reptile lights from the pet store are the cheapest nicest way to go because they are flourscents. You could get UVB out of sun-tan type bulbs or those halagen spot lights, the problem with them will be heat though. The trich's on a plant are a defence system, you can basicly consider them as "sun screen" for weed and the area's of the world that are known for having the best strains/smoke are all areas with higher UVB. Here is quite a nice video about it. I also think I remember a post on here somewhere about UVB lighting so you may want to search arround for that also.

You have 2 choices with the reptile lamps, the t-5 20in fixture or a CFL. Here are some that petco sells they are also avaiable at petsmart which i think is where I got mine, its been a while sorry rofl..
I use the T-5 tubes just because the ones I got had a nice reflector built into the fixture and I just think I get better coverage with a 20in tube than I would with the CFL but they were like $10 to $15 bucks more than the cfl if i remember correct. They are both the same wattage and uvb output so if you allready have some sort of reflector to plug a cfl into that should give you nearly if not the same results.

With your small room, yeah may as well start out with just a single 20w uvb bulb and you can always add more later. My experience with it was a noticable differance in quanity and size of trich's, it also felt like they changed color faster but my harvest was not any faster. So I am just thinking it was a quanity thing there more crystals so looked like more going brown faster. I started out with just 1 of those bulbs and after seeing the differance between the plants that were under that uvb bulb I went and got 3 more for my 12x12 room. I could add more to it I am sure. I have experminted and hung those bulbs with in 3 to 6 inches from plants and was not able to cause uvb damage on the plant. Normally I like to have my uvb bulbs about 8 to 10 in above the canopy just to spread that light out more.

I use the uvb light from day one of blooming and have it on a timer with my lights. If you were to add UVB to your current grow you should still see some benifit because you still have about a month to go or so. I am just not sure how much benifit its going to be and I dont want you to try it and not see results so you may as well add the UVB thing to a future grow. But hell if ya got the extra $25 or so then give it a shot. Just dont be so quick to judge it on that current grow make sure you try it out for a full bloom to harvest thing after this grow.


Well-Known Member
The reptile lights from the pet store are the cheapest nicest way to go because they are flourscents. You could get UVB out of sun-tan type bulbs or those halagen spot lights, the problem with them will be heat though. The trich's on a plant are a defence system, you can basicly consider them as "sun screen" for weed and the area's of the world that are known for having the best strains/smoke are all areas with higher UVB. Here is quite a nice video about it. I also think I remember a post on here somewhere about UVB lighting so you may want to search arround for that also.

You have 2 choices with the reptile lamps, the t-5 20in fixture or a CFL. Here are some that petco sells they are also avaiable at petsmart which i think is where I got mine, its been a while sorry rofl..
I use the T-5 tubes just because the ones I got had a nice reflector built into the fixture and I just think I get better coverage with a 20in tube than I would with the CFL but they were like $10 to $15 bucks more than the cfl if i remember correct. They are both the same wattage and uvb output so if you allready have some sort of reflector to plug a cfl into that should give you nearly if not the same results.

With your small room, yeah may as well start out with just a single 20w uvb bulb and you can always add more later. My experience with it was a noticable differance in quanity and size of trich's, it also felt like they changed color faster but my harvest was not any faster. So I am just thinking it was a quanity thing there more crystals so looked like more going brown faster. I started out with just 1 of those bulbs and after seeing the differance between the plants that were under that uvb bulb I went and got 3 more for my 12x12 room. I could add more to it I am sure. I have experminted and hung those bulbs with in 3 to 6 inches from plants and was not able to cause uvb damage on the plant. Normally I like to have my uvb bulbs about 8 to 10 in above the canopy just to spread that light out more.

I use the uvb light from day one of blooming and have it on a timer with my lights. If you were to add UVB to your current grow you should still see some benifit because you still have about a month to go or so. I am just not sure how much benifit its going to be and I dont want you to try it and not see results so you may as well add the UVB thing to a future grow. But hell if ya got the extra $25 or so then give it a shot. Just dont be so quick to judge it on that current grow make sure you try it out for a full bloom to harvest thing after this grow.
i gotcha...thanks alot, you're the man! is my 6500k 2 tube shop fluoro providing any uvb light? also i was reading some about some folks think MH lights make more potent buds and HPS product higher yields...i wonder what would happen if i switched to MH now! cause my MH bulb is 400 watts and my current hps is a conversion bulb that puts out 360 watts...just a thought...i'm kinda broke right now so i'll prob wait on the reptile light till next grow...thanks again my friend


Well-Known Member
What didnt I answer fast enough GKN? HAHAH Man all this good info your pumping from me your going to have to blaze me up like mad if our paths ever cross in real life ROFL!!!!

Anyways yeah spend the 17min watching that video and I will do my best to answer any futher questions ya may have.

Now I must go burn this fatty I just twisted up. Good luck Bro!!


Well-Known Member
What didnt I answer fast enough GKN? HAHAH Man all this good info your pumping from me your going to have to blaze me up like mad if our paths ever cross in real life ROFL!!!!

Anyways yeah spend the 17min watching that video and I will do my best to answer any futher questions ya may have.

Now I must go burn this fatty I just twisted up. Good luck Bro!!
hahaha, you got it man...i'll blaze ya down anytime my brotha!! i actually watched that vid earlier 2nite, not bad...have fun with the fattie...thanks again for all the help...take care



Well-Known Member
Those shop lights I highly doubt have any uvb at all. The bulbs for the reptiles are special made to pump out the uvb and I expect that the shop lamps are designed not to. There was even a warning sticker on the CFL UVB bulbs in the pet store.

A multi spectrum grow is whats worked best for me. Meaning I have both HPS and MH bulbs burning in my room and yeah i do belive that the MH bulbs have atleast some UVB spectrum. I added the MH bulbs at the same time I did my uvb upgrade so not sure how much benifit my MH bulbs were. Switching back to the MH is NOT something I would do, if you cant burn atleast 80% hps 20% mh then just stick with the HPS.

Another thing I noticed in my hydro set up is that when I did that lighting upgrade was that either the mh or added uvb lights seemed to have caused my plants to use quite a bit more water. After making that upgrade my garden just started thrive like mad, bigger busher plants = adding water to the res more often. This is likley to be the same with the dirt so if you try it out later keep that in mind that you may very well be watering more often.


Well-Known Member
Those shop lights I highly doubt have any uvb at all. The bulbs for the reptiles are special made to pump out the uvb and I expect that the shop lamps are designed not to. There was even a warning sticker on the CFL UVB bulbs in the pet store.

A multi spectrum grow is whats worked best for me. Meaning I have both HPS and MH bulbs burning in my room and yeah i do belive that the MH bulbs have atleast some UVB spectrum. I added the MH bulbs at the same time I did my uvb upgrade so not sure how much benifit my MH bulbs were. Switching back to the MH is NOT something I would do, if you cant burn atleast 80% hps 20% mh then just stick with the HPS.

Another thing I noticed in my hydro set up is that when I did that lighting upgrade was that either the mh or added uvb lights seemed to have caused my plants to use quite a bit more water. After making that upgrade my garden just started thrive like mad, bigger busher plants = adding water to the res more often. This is likley to be the same with the dirt so if you try it out later keep that in mind that you may very well be watering more often.
yeah thats what i've heard, the mix of spectrums is best....i'm just gonna roll out with the fluoros and hps and maybe some uvb if i kind find a cheap one...appreciate it alot!


Well-Known Member
Playing arround with the uvb bulbs or finding and adding a small 150w or so MH that can be had for cheap from ebay or even better on craigslist is well worth the money. Figure $30 on the uvb bulbs and should be able to score a used/cheap small little MH for another $40 or possibly cheaper.

Giving your plants a better more full spectrum including uvb is still cheaper than all the proper ventilation and enviromental controlls your going to want/need to dial that humidity down forcing the plant to produce more of the good stuff to protect its self. Doing both of course would be the way to go but yeah we all have budgets.. The tighter you can controll every aspect of your grow/room the better its going to be thats for sure, having all the proper controlls and being able to pretty much be able to dial up any temp, CO2 and humidity level I want day or night is extreemly nice.

Lighting still has got to be one of the most important if not the most important thing so remember that when the budget allows you to do some upgrading.


Well-Known Member
anybody know what this is?? looks like nute burn, but i always feed very light, so i'm not's on the tips of the leaves on a couple white rhinos...some of the other ladies have a little showing, just not as much...could my tap water be bad?? cause i noticed a little of this on my last grow...the tips are brown and their turning upwards...anybody?



Well-Known Member
It sorta looks like a little bit of heat stress, maybe your getting a bit too warm for that one strain. It really doesnt look like a neut burn or deficiency. Here is a good pot plant abuse webpage that may help you or some of the new growers reading this thread.

As far as the tap water goes the PH should be good on it and the chlorene is bad. If your useing tap water you should fill up a big plastic garbage can or bucket with water and let it sit 24 hours or so before useing it. Rain water is a cheap option as well, but having a PH test kit or meter would be the way to go no matter the water source.


Well-Known Member
It sorta looks like a little bit of heat stress, maybe your getting a bit too warm for that one strain. It really doesnt look like a neut burn or deficiency. Here is a good pot plant abuse webpage that may help you or some of the new growers reading this thread.

As far as the tap water goes the PH should be good on it and the chlorene is bad. If your useing tap water you should fill up a big plastic garbage can or bucket with water and let it sit 24 hours or so before useing it. Rain water is a cheap option as well, but having a PH test kit or meter would be the way to go no matter the water source.
thanks alot bro, as usual...great stuff....the temp at the canopy never reaches 80 and there is cold a/c blowing in almost 24/7, so i don't see how it could be from heat...i'm gonna check 2morrow if it's only on top, then i'll know it's heat...i may raise the lamp a bit....


Well-Known Member
anybody know what this is?? looks like nute burn, but i always feed very light, so i'm not's on the tips of the leaves on a couple white rhinos...some of the other ladies have a little showing, just not as much...could my tap water be bad?? cause i noticed a little of this on my last grow...the tips are brown and their turning upwards...anybody?

If I'm not mistaken the leaves turn up when they get too much water.


Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken the leaves turn up when they get too much water.
nah, the tips don't turn brown and it's just the tips turning up as well...i don't overwater, i wait till very dry, always have...another buddy of mine said it was very, very slight nute i'm gonna cut down and flush next time, cause i haven't flushed yet and i figure i should...also, yesterday i tried to pollinate 2 of my ladies with the male hashberry pollen...some rhino berry(white rhino x hashberry) and himalayan berry(himalayan gold x hashberry...i only did some small, lower branches and we'll see if it took...the hairs are supposed to turn brown and die where pollinated....i took all the precautions, took em out of the grow area after, washed hands, changed clothes, even took a shower.... shook em off, then placed back in garden...then i misted a bit of water to kill any pollen that made it in...i've never made seeds before, so we'll see how it goes....peace



Well-Known Member
nah, the tips don't turn brown and it's just the tips turning up as well...i don't overwater, i wait till very dry, always have...another buddy of mine said it was very, very slight nute i'm gonna cut down and flush next time, cause i haven't flushed yet and i figure i should...also, yesterday i tried to pollinate 2 of my ladies with the male hashberry pollen...some rhino berry(white rhino x hashberry) and himalayan berry(himalayan gold x hashberry...i only did some small, lower branches and we'll see if it took...the hairs are supposed to turn brown and die where pollinated....i took all the precautions, took em out of the grow area after, washed hands, changed clothes, even took a shower.... shook em off, then placed back in garden...then i misted a bit of water to kill any pollen that made it in...i've never made seeds before, so we'll see how it goes....peace

Yeah and you defently wouldnt make an over watering mistake.

I am not sure your buddy is correct either though but if he is and you dont flush it will start to get worse and worse every time you apply neuts and I dont think thats whats going on. I just think its a bit of heat stress, its not very bad and if it doesnt progress then dont worrie. I know you said your room never goes over 80 but perhaps you had a hot day and humidity change in the room and it was too much for some tips of a few of the plants

The seed making..
sounds like you controlled things well there. Changing the clothing, showering and all that should minimize the seeding of non targeted buds. keep us posted on that


Well-Known Member
check the p.h as syriuslydelyrius said and i agree with him on the temps it happend to me while i was gone this weekend and came home to a disaster plus my seedlings dident get watered from my panda


Well-Known Member
tru tru, thanks alot guys...i'm still not sure how it could be heat stress...i've got the temp gauge at canopy level, also my digi thermom can tell me the highest it's gotten, which is 78, and the humidity is always between 30-40%...also there's very cold a/c blowing in 24/7, and fans blowing on the garden...but i'll def keep a eye on it...i'm gonna flush in 2 days and hope it goes away...hopefully 2morrow i'll see signs that the selected ladies got pollinated...making seeds is very exciting, i feel like god, haha, just kidding, but it's great...