Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...


Well-Known Member
Sweet, I want one of the volcanoes but done have enough cash. Yeah mine only have a few hairs on em, should start pickin up here in the next few days
yeah i feel ya bro, there way too much money, i luckily found mine about 3 years ago at a music festival, brand new, for 300 bucks...mine have the hairs, and the crystals are starting to show their beautiful heads as each day passes...


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i got a quick question, i haven't got my fluoro side light on a timer yet, and yesterday i was in a hurry leaving the house and pulled a stoned act up, i accidentally left the fluoro on during the 12 hr dark period!! how bad will this fuck things up?? will they just get stunted and be ok or is this really fucking bad??? i'm worried! help me!! hhaha, i hope i didn't fuck my whole garden up!



Well-Known Member
i dont think it should to to much damage but then again i truly have no idea. i wouldnt get worked up over it.


Well-Known Member
i dont think it should to to much damage but then again i truly have no idea. i wouldnt get worked up over it.
yeah, thanks man...i did some research and got info from some old growers, and they all said that it should be fine...i do need to watch for a few hermies, but i always inspect my plants...they said a one time occurance shouldn't do anything, just don't let it happen again of guy said might delay harvest a couple days, but bottom line they all agreed it wasn't that big of a deal and i should relax, haha, it is a weed after all....


Well-Known Member
I have seen plants flowering outside just fine with street lamps right next to them. If this was a 1 single small lamp I wouldnt worrie at all.
i'm glad to hear that...makes sense, in nature there's the moonlight, which can get really's one of those long 2 tub shop fluoros, not too powerful, and in the back of grow space...i thought for a while i had really fucked things up cause i've never done something that stupid to my ladies before...i appreciate all the kind words guys...:peace:



Well-Known Member
oh and Syrius, i took your advice and i tried a super cropping experiment with the tallest power skunk freebie...i pinched and twisted till the top was laying over and then i supported it, so i guess i'll just watch to see how it goes, and if it goes great i'm gonna do it to the other tall freaks! that's just so fucking amazing to me, that whole technique, i hope it works....thanks again man, +rep...:peace:



Well-Known Member
Keep us posted.. That technique is something I use in a pinch when needed for various reasons. Keeping the canopy even with a multiple strain grow on a staggered time frame with just 1 lamp isn't an easy thing. For future grows take more consideration into toping/even canopy so you squeze all the efficency out of your light.

This isnt going to hurt anything and you can do this sort of thing if needed, I just like to try to predict how things are going to grow and top and train as needed so I dont have to resort to it. Some growers will supercrop there entire grow down low on the stem not for canopy controll but done so because there are claims it improves yield.


Well-Known Member
Gkn .lookin good, question tho, seed to end 12/12 whats that 2 month period?
i'll forsure keep you guys posted on my 1st attempt at super cropping...thanks Bay, but i don't really understand your question? i started my plants under fluoros till they broke ground, then they were hit with 12/12...what do ya mean "whats that 2 month period?"

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Hey GKN,
Just harvested my 12/12 from seed.

Not quite 1 oz/plant I was hoping.
but i got some dank crystaly bud .

I think the way to really pull this off is having multiple plants under your light footprint.

I think it was a great experiment.
I harvested in a month less;however, I lost 1/3 of potential bud.

who knows next time I may take a different approach.

Good luck with your grow though man.



Well-Known Member
thanks Joe C, and nice harvest...i'm prayin for that oz per plant mark, and i honestly think that some of my ladies are gonna do more than that...and i just can't wait to harvest these bitches, oh the anticipation, that is the hardest part of growing, the big waiting game!


Well-Known Member
This is the #1 reason to have both a bloomroom and veg room while running a staggered rotation.

How are your ladys doing GKN? How goes the canopy controll?
yeah i agree Syrius....they are phenomenal, i've been outta town for a few days and gonna be back to em on monday, i'm gonna take some girl is taking great care of em and has done it many times...when i left i had super cropped the 2 tall super skunks and the tallest plant in the garden, the himalayan gold and already i was loving the results...just like you said they were bending towards the light and the canopy was alot more even...I'm so fucking excited to get back and see how much they've grown and put on triches!! i'll be back on monday....take care:peace:



Well-Known Member
Yeah you can use that method to even up the canopy by bending over the plants as I have described above allowing you to have the light at the mose efficient distance from the canopy. Just dont get carried away and dependant on it because toping/pruning is the better answer. I have supercroped plants at the bottom creating a big thick buldge in the stem and people will claim that it helps in the yield because the plant can transfer neutrients/water better due to the thicker stem. I am sure that some growers will agrue but I will explain my experiences and you can take it for what its worth. I am not a big beliver in the extra yield and when I did it I had clones of the same strain on the same resivor that wernt supercroped and the supercroped ones finished 7 to 10 days later than the ones that wernt supercroped. So it costed me a week and I didnt see much if any at all jump in yield. In my opinion that big buldge/thicker stem is thicker because of scar material which isn't really benifical.

Now useing this sort of methyod on the top of the plant to fold over a monster tall plant thats out growing the rest of the canopy is a differant story. I am sure that doing this to any part of the plant will cost you time delaying the harvest. Doing it to the tops really hasnt been an issue though because the tops of the plants seem to finish a bit quicker than the rest of the plant anyways. Furthermore your only doing this to that random plant or 2 that are out growing the rest so its not like its going to slow the entire harvest down and strain dependent you might notice any delay at all.

I am not sure if "supercroping" is the correct term for what your doing but its shares some of the same techinque. I used the term because it was the closest thing making it easier to describe.

You have done quick little autoflowering strains and now your doing the 12/12 from seed thing whats next? I understand that you will be taking a break between grows but when you plan that future grow set up make sure you try like hell to get a seperate veg room to fit in the budget. Having 2 rooms is twice the price yeah but I just think it would suit your needs alot better, allowing you to veg and clone in one room and flower in the next. This opens up alot more options and I think should atleast be in your future plans. I can see that your experminting and finding what works best for yourself. My opinion is that your more conserned with strain quality and harvest speed than you are about plant yield. This isn't a bad thing though, these such conserns/growing styles are what spawned things like scrog, sog and that 12/12 from seed thing. Currently your working with what you got and thats totally cool and I can see why you have experminted the way you have. Just be sure to play arround with the 2 room thing when you can. This should allow you to have your cake and eat it to being able to quickly cycle your flowering room by having a clone that has veged as long as you wanted ready to take the place of the plant you just harvested. Doing it in the 1 room pretty much means you have to either veg then flower in the same room lengthing the grow schedule or you have to veg them for little or no time at all which means less yield. The 2nd room is the answer my friend!


Well-Known Member
whats going on man glad to see some others tryin this method out i grow stealth and i have done two harvest this way but i grow in dixie cups like beer pong cups i average a half a plant or a little more ill try to post some pics soon im no good with putting pics from my phone to the computer


Well-Known Member
glad you're here pitbudz...i'd be happy with a half per plant, but i know some are gonna do more....haha, most of your observations are right on Syrius...i'm experimenting with different grow styles to see what works best for me...i've always wanted to have a seperate veg room and it will forsure happen....i've never been too concerned with yield, it's all for personal and i've only got a 400 watter, so if i can pull a half lb i'd be super stoked! i'll be taking some new pics to ya'll then...peace:peace:



Well-Known Member
Okay, bro.. I've been watching this for awhile. Looks like you're at about 6 weeks total so far? Maybe I should just wait for your next pics, but is this approach really pushing the time frame forward a useful amount? Looking at the pic's from 4-25-09, it looks like there's still about 6 weeks to go from there, or 4 weeks from today for a total of 10 weeks seed-to-harvest..(?).

My interest comes primarily from the point of "exposure management" -- ie ... the less time I have plants on the stalk, the less "exposed" I am to problems, dig? But, if I veg under 20/4 or 18/6 and that gives me a yield whereby I don't need to be growing plants at all for awhile, that counts as "less exposure", too. Also, I firmly believe in the "tell no one" policy. That includes my best friends and family, so my house is "off limits" when plants are up.

Of course, we all grow for different reasons. I do it for my own stash, and because I love to grow things.. all things.


Well-Known Member
yea man i used a 150 hps for 16 plants started from seed and got 9 femalesone i re vegged and am gonna start takin clones and the 150 did really nice i had them in a box from lowes cost 30 dollars and i put a bathroom exhaust and two computer fans for intake and a 8 inch fan for stem movment and ive had good success i had to do it this way cuz my big grow got found by my dad and this one is under a fishtank