Mugan's Unlimited Seed Grow


Well-Known Member
hehe got some time, rasta says September, will see, andy way got some outside doing 12/12 from seed to so they will be a harvest weeks after the first one, am planing this timetable so that i don't have to wait 12 weeks every harvest


Well-Known Member
they look proppa sativa. long thin leaves defo not indica at all.
id love the weather you have ! save a load on electricity.
im jealous. lookin alright to


Well-Known Member

well been aiting for these plants to change a little before i pisted pics :). any way plant 1 &2 are about 5-6 weeks in i haven't relly been paying atention but i think they started flower 7/10/11 ,
also been doing a lot of reserch to find out what they are, the grower who bread them used malawi gold and seeds from kenya which all come from south africa, so i have narowed down all the strains that they could be, whis are malawi gold , swazi skank (and other swazi strains) durburn strains most likely durburn poison. they all have 20% + thc and flower is 80-112 days depending on which strain mix you got. thats about 10-14 week flower time (so i got till end of sept for the first two plants.

plant 1
6 weeks

6 weeks
plant 3-5 are about 3-4 weeks
plant 3
not to many buds but looks real healthy , guessing its one of the ones that needs 100 days :)
plant 4
smallest one , its onlt had pistils for like 2 weeks , same with plant 5
plant 5

i know it looks od, i tried to top it early so i can have two main colas but it went bad :), so i have staked it like a football goal , haha,

new seedlings
plant 1 clone (momy)

plant 1-4 new grow space in green house


Well-Known Member
Lookin good mugan!! Hell yea thats a lot of green my man, hellll yeaa!

Shit if I lived in kenya I would come break that girly in with some field goals ! :P
You're about halfway through flower then right?
I remember reading about how long those sats take, yikes :X


Well-Known Member
ehh, flower time could be anywhere between 9-14 weeks :( i could be half , or past half or not at half yet lolz. but they smell so good, spend over 30 mins every morning in the greenhouse as i check for new growth, they smell like pine and mango :


Well-Known Member
Flowers are looking good and from the sound of it those are some nice smells to have coming off of them. Damn that long flowering time!


Well-Known Member
lolz ya the time is a bitch, but am thinking of starting plants every two weeks so that time is no longer an issue after these first 3 - 4 months,


Well-Known Member
yaya, and all for meee!, am gonna cook so much of it, wanna see how stoned i can get, besides these plants are supposed to have 22% thc. and since u can't od on thc BRING IT ON!!


Well-Known Member
Yea buddy... planting every couple weeks is the best idea. I hope to be able to do that one day as well!


Well-Known Member
you got any mothers yet dubbz? cuz i think clones are aster, but am not sure , i started my last seedlings with my clone to see the diff in speed, so far clone is winning :)


Well-Known Member
I won't have any mothers but if you saw the latest pictures I posted, my friend has some 6 foot tall plants I'll most likely get some clones from. Clones are much much faster than seeds.


Well-Known Member
ya saw those . VERY NOICE :shock: well you should have him give ya a clone to start Lst al start mine seen she is almost 2 weeks old


Well-Known Member
I'm going to wait until I get into another house before I start thinking about clones. I may have a hook up on some headband clones... *fingers crossed*