MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!


Well-Known Member
Yall mutha fuckers from up north sound just like they say you do! fuck it I'm from Fl. and we get more than enough rap for sounding country! Fuck it we are all from diff cultures!


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah there were two 18 year old new yorkers at our new years bash... they had a blast as they are of drinking age here and the drugs flowed freely... but anyway, I had a bit of a chat with them, and man did they have some hard accents, compared to the NY accents from TV... I mean you can hear it a bit in there, but it was dumbed down even more, and that was both of them!!! I'm sure its not representational of all though. I can point out alot of kretins in my own town.


I dont even bother to watch that crap. MTV is totally disappointing now a days. I miss the old MTV.. when they used to actually play music videos. :(


New Member
Lol yeah there were two 18 year old new yorkers at our new years bash... they had a blast as they are of drinking age here and the drugs flowed freely... but anyway, I had a bit of a chat with them, and man did they have some hard accents, compared to the NY accents from TV... I mean you can hear it a bit in there, but it was dumbed down even more, and that was both of them!!! I'm sure its not representational of all though. I can point out alot of kretins in my own town.

Im from ny orig...and can tell you that the accent your talking about(ny accent) is mainly from the borogh of Brooklyn, and also NJ....


Well-Known Member
Dude got knocked the F##ck out lol.

Why do people insist on talking shit.

I hope his girl is happy, she should have got knocked out to.

WOMEN there are consequences for your actions.

i think that should happen more often. These women think they can get away with anything they want because there woman.

Next time some woman is talkin shit, we know you can't hit woman, so just look for their boyfriend or male friend and knock them out, maybe then these woman will learn their lesson.


Well-Known Member
at first i thought these dudes were douchebags but i think they are pretty funny. pauly d seems like a straight up dude, like a laid back cat like me and my friends. also i would pound snookers out in a minute...hahaha. i got a weakness for curvy drunk trashy women. wtf she couldnt hardly get anyone to hit that the whole show.


Active Member
what a bunch of frikken pasghetti eatin, cawfee dranken degos...and that skinzank snooky...I wouldnt touch her with your dick or yours or yours up there..that skank belongs on the corner of Polk & Geary sellin that snatch for a nickel...even that would be a stretch...frikken whoah (whore)...


Active Member
im so against domestic violence, violence in general....more of lover and a pot smoker...but you know what....Take that snooks ya fawken bitchhhhhhhhhh:hump::bigjoint::finger::fire:...that was Poifect...


Well-Known Member
I live in Jersey, but I'm from Philly and i can honestly say, sadly theirs alot of fucking dumbass guidos around here.

They're a fucking riot to watch though. Every time i make a trip down the shore you're guaranteed to see a batch of fucking idiots just as bad as them or worst.
once again do i have to fucking explain this

ok, when some one is in your face yelling and screaming, they are a threat

when you attempt to leave the area, and avoid such a threat, and the threat pursues you, and (once again i have to say this, at least the third fucking time i have said it) the threat will not let you leave the situation, i.e. he/she/it follows you when you attempt to get away from said threat then you really have no other option...

do you understand? i never advocated hitting women, i even fucking said that in my first post...

but when a situation like this presents itself, and the cause of the situation will not let you avoid the situation, you have to take care of it yourself

let me give you an example. since explaining it three times isnt enough

im at a bar, having a good time

a woman comes up to me and starts yelling in my face, insults, harassment, etc

i sit there and ignore her until i just cant stand it anymore

i attempt to leave, be it to the other side of the bar or just leave the bar altogether

she follows me, still in my face, and stands right in front of me

i step to the left, she stands in front of me again, i step to the right, she once again blocks my exit

i go out to my car, and she blocks entry into my own method of escape of this situation

so im supposed to sit there and let her bitch at me?

no...hell no

step 1: ignore it

step 2: avoid it

step 3: leave

and when all other measures fail, you do what you must to get the fuck out of there

i have seen woman hit men in the face 6 or 7 times but the man pushes her and knocks her over to get her away from him and i have seen the cops show up and arrest that man...

because he defended himself

double fucking standard in this country

women should be treated with respect like the fragile gentle beings they are

so, given the 2 different scenarios i have given you, the opinion you form about my statements is your own, and you can play internet tough guys with your "oh id beat you up if i saw that" all you want

my statement stands

as much as this kills me too say it,

drum roll please.................


i feel a little more dead inside.
but other than that HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! your fucking hilarious bro hahahaha ily


Well-Known Member
after seeing snooks dancin on the boardwalk in that white outfit i may have to retract my statement earlier. many shots would have to be taken to hit it. also only a bitch would hit a woman.


Well-Known Member
Yezir. Now they're doing the reunion. I can't wait for the summer. My favorite part of the shore is Wildwood.