msn reporter with balls

-40% THC, that is what my dreams are made off
-weed as strong as cocaine *i'm in pain*
-kids died of smoking pot - could we see those studies?:-D don't lock up citizens for smoking or growing pot??? you are on planet earth?!?
-gov-office hijacked by liberals??? no, you are not on planet earth now:-D
-i don't smoke ice because i smoke weed... and i never go to since i have weed!!!

oh damn me is this Rep. guy stupid, he has no idea what he is talking but gets tax money for doing so!!!:-D
that fat one said, "No User is a single drug user." Now... My question... How many people here, By a show of HANDS... Is a Marijuana Smoker AND THAT IS IT!

oh yeah and i like the guys last statements, that is fucking awsome! "I know several casual marijuana users, and so.. You are wrong..." FUCK YES!!! lol


I am a Marijuana SMOKER... i use to snort coke :( i know im a bad boy mate, but i left that rubbish in my past... i only smoke Marijuana
I've smoked weed since the 60s. I've stoped several times. I haven't had a joint in 3 months. No DTs, never saw any pink elephants flying around,no monkey on my back. How come I can stop when I get ready? I stoped this time because I decided not to BUY any more. No problem!!!
I've smoked weed since the 60s. I've stoped several times. I haven't had a joint in 3 months. No DTs, never saw any pink elephants flying around,no monkey on my back. How come I can stop when I get ready? I stoped this time because I decided not to BUY any more. No problem!!!
I don't usually like this guy, but he did marijuana good in this clip. The congressman is a dumb fuck. He is defintely misinformed and lying through his teeth.
I don't usually like this guy, but he did marijuana good in this clip. The congressman is a dumb fuck. He is defintely misinformed and lying through his teeth.

well he is my typical republican favorite... all most the raw model for a damn fucking Know-it-all-but-really-nothing, the progressive days of this party are far over:evil:

but this for once smart msn guy did his job well, damn did he corner this idiot:mrgreen:
I am absolutely shocked by that DUMB-ASS' comments. He should be removed from office for being stupid. Who in the hell voted that idiot in. I applaud the young reporter Tucker. I am a retired vet, and did not smoke for 16 years, now that I have served my country, I damn well will smoke what I want. I cannot believe that people are so stupid to listen to people like that politician. Damn that makes me mad. Smoke on brother and sisters. You all be good!