
Active Member
Why not?
The way I see it Harris is the best candidate to replace Biden on the Democratic ticket, which must be done very soon or this country is fucked, more so than it already is.
She has the experience, qualifications, would appeal to a broad base, such as young voters, people of color, women and even Muslims which the Dems have lost.
I personally don't see another viable candidate that has a chance of winning now.
People know Harris and yes, she isn't exactly eloquent, but she sure as fuck is better than Trump and most people that don't have their heads shoved up their asses know that.

Biden is finished and for the sake of this country he better wake up to that fact, otherwise he will go down in history as the POTUS who lost the Republic and replaced it with a Fascist dictatorship.
Biden was/is a great POTUS, no one who knows anything at all about the reality of what he actually accomplished despite those Republican assholes trying to fuck him and this nation over to feed their insane logic.
But, as the saying goes, all good things must pass.
It's time for him to go play with his grandchildren and put this country first and retire.
He will never be reelected because the American voter/populace is composed mostly of fools that somehow think that a felon, who actually has lost his right to vote or own a weapon, is fit to have that red button under his desk to unleash a nuclear Holocaust?
Fuck me
Its time to hand the ball over, but to who?
That is the million dollar question.

Its just too bad that Stein from the Green party isn't a viable candidate.
She's smart and the platform she is running on is one that should be looked at seriously, but that will never happen.
We're stuck with this two party only BS, us against them, which is a guarantee for actually getting nothing/anything worthwhile accomplished.

But that's the American way, isn't it?

I’m starting to get the feeling that VP Harris won’t get the nomination if Biden steps down.
My belief is that there is someone very powerful inside the Democratic Party that will not tolerate a woman president in our lifetime, unless it’s herself.
Harris/Biden 2024? It might just screw up any plans to keep them off the ballot and after the election Biden can step down and she can nominate anyone she would like.

Lol it really is just all kinds of twists and turns this season.

Biden has called for a news conference later this week to announce his withdrawal from the Democratic nomination, at least that's what will happen I think.
He also will endorse Harris as the the best person to follow up where he left off, such as further support for Green energy programs/developments, student loan forgiveness, making child care available for everyone, changing the tax relief for large corporations and the filthy rich, that has ballooned the deficit.
Upgrading the infrastructure and rail systems to modern day standards, imbedding women's rights to have control over their own bodies into law to name a few things, essentially undoing the damage done by Trump and the GOP

If the Dems gain both houses of Congress, the sky's the limit as to what can be accomplished.

She's going to get it.
Just watch
And she's going to win
Biden has called for a news conference later this week to announce his withdrawal from the Democratic nomination, at least that's what will happen I think.
He also will endorse Harris as the the best person to follow up where he left off, such as further support for Green energy programs/developments, student loan forgiveness, making child care available for everyone, changing the tax relief for large corporations and the filthy rich, that has ballooned the deficit.
Upgrading the infrastructure and rail systems to modern day standards, imbedding women's rights to have control over their own bodies into law to name a few things, essentially undoing the damage done by Trump and the GOP

If the Dems gain both houses of Congress, the sky's the limit as to what can be accomplished.

She's going to get it.
Just watch
And she's going to win
Had me until the end there, I think he deserves to be in prison based on the crimes he committed and allowing the RNC data on American citizens that he was given to be handed over to Putin. .

When is his sentencing, I think around September we should find out.