MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
well i kinda thought i was just whining
but who can tell if i was serious or not right.... my bad... trading is wrong!

Merry Green

Active Member
Hi Howard, you mentioned using Honey as a sweetener, how much would you use during final flush please. Also what would cause buds to feel hard, similar to pine cones, my buddies are beautifully frosted and sticky but seem too dry/hard. Very tight though! Maybe it is not a problem, just wondered. Many thanks for all the tips,


Checked the last 100 posts and found this
Yoi could simplify what I do by going to the supermarket and getting Molasses and Apple Juice...

Sugar = Flavor.
That'll do me but how much do I need and is it ok to use in final week?


Well-Known Member
Never used straight honey myself, it has to be raw honey... And I believe a tsp (5mL) per gallon would be enough... Maybe too much?

Hahahaha trading iscool... Just not with random strangers on the net. :dunce:

My best genetics were all aquired through friendly trading.

The Silver Mango is a result of friendly trading and some fem crossing...

But really, I like SensiSeedbank's genetics the most.

Silver Pearl, Super Skunk... Those two are the shit.

I also don't have shit mailed to me, I always buy in person with cash. A trip to Canada for some beans is cheaper than getting popped.

And nutes are available at multiple shops nearby...

I have a feeling there are a lot more growers popping up in my city just over the past 5 years.

I see strains that I've grown, passed along through clone, all the back to a stranger, well, a friend now... Who was growing some of the strains that I had grown...

That's how localized strains happen, everyone ends up growing the same strain because it's fire.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah...

Rock hard buds are basically in the genetics of the plant... Well, not rock hard...

But dense...

Drying and curing properly will keep them from getting too dry and crumbling to powder.


Well-Known Member
*just saw your edit*

Yeah, I continue sugar/carb feeding up 'til harvest.

I'd use 2 tablspoons molasses per 10 gallons, and the apple juice...

Personally, I buy more expensive carbs and sugars, but molasses, and apple/cranberry juice are the main ingredients... Also, yeast, kelp, raw cane sugar... etc.
Lol.. It doesnt say any thing about giving them away..
just kidding.. I think you posted this on my journal too Holmes..
The best way to go about it is to find another site that isn't based in america ..hint breedbay..
But find out who lives close to you by representing your state.. Everybody knows what state I live in.. Then you kinda just find out in a slow process who lives in your city.. Then go hang out with them.. Its like your trying to use this site like a porn site..

Ah think about it ... a bud and porn forum.. smokers could sit around and comment on porn vid's ..

Blah blah.. This funny stuff.. There is a forum for everything...

Damn I am ADD:sad:-:?-:neutral:-:lol:-:mrgreen:-:finger:-:cuss:-bongsmilie-.......;-)
trading information is not illegal, trading pot or seeds is. and regardless of law, you agreed to the rules of this site when you joined...and a rule of the site is no buying or trading of pot, seeds, or clones.

i dont care, but ive seen people get banned and peoples threads closed for it.


Well-Known Member
Lol.. It doesnt say any thing about giving them away..
just kidding.. I think you posted this on my journal too Holmes..
The best way to go about it is to find another site that isn't based in america ..hint breedbay..
But find out who lives close to you by representing your state.. Everybody knows what state I live in.. Then you kinda just find out in a slow process who lives in your city.. Then go hang out with them.. Its like your trying to use this site like a porn site..

what are you talking about?, i dont remember wanting to trade clones on your site.
and who were meets other members off the forum, thats fuking crazy.
and what you talking about porno?
lol, this confused the shit out of me its kinda funny


Well-Known Member
Yeah... Don't come here looking to trade or meet people in "reality" I've been asked by a bunch of people...

I definately trust most of them to be completely legit, cool motherfuckers... But at the same time... :?

Yeah, hanging out with cool people locally is alright, but trading and selling... That's asking for trouble.


Although it's called a "private message" the moderators can still read them, and they are accessable... They AREN'T private.

There was a big hissy fit over this topic... :roll:

Keep it real. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
What I'm trying to say...

Anyone can grow great weed, I'll do my best to make YOURS the best!!!

I think I covered every possible soil question within this thread...

I just have to condense it and make it simple to read from cover to cover... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
helluva read...cant believe ive been onboard almost the whole time too. i feel like theyre my girls too, when do i get my cut.:lol:

very nice...well get a big green star!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey MHM, could you do me a favor if you get a chance man. I posted an update last night on my thread which included a problem I'm having with a bit of burn on my leaves. I'm gonna post some pics today so you can see what I'm talking about. But I was hoping you might be able to check out my last update, and the pics later today and let me know what you think. You know you soil, so I figured you could tell me if I'm on the right track. Thanks man TC


Active Member
I took clones a week ago and was wondering if they look like they are doing well or not. Some of them have their leaves going yellow but for the most part they are still green looking.

They are in rapid rooters under a humidity dome with a heat mat and two growlux bulbs about 6 inches above the top of the dome. I used plain water at about 5.8 - 6 pH level.

What do you think? I need to move the plants into flowering soon but I have to have some rooted clones to keep going.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man, they'll most likely root... The yellowing of the bigger fans is completely normal.

The nitrogen is being used to grow the roots and shit, no worries. The new growth is healthy, and they aren't falling over... They should pop roots in 5-7 days, don't worry if it takes longer. As long as they look good, they're good.

Chill out holmes, it's all good man... Guess you don't know about the whole over-grow fiasco.


If you wanna do what I crossed it's pretty easy... Get Silver Pearl from Sensi Seedbank, and cross a male with Somango from soma seeds... I've got 3 phenos that are all worthwhile... I'll show you guys later.

The 9Mile, it can be aquired by visiting Bob Marley's masoleum, located in Nine Mile, Jamaica. It's grown out back, the locals will be happy to show you their small "plantation" and sell you some decent herb... Also this is where I got the best finger hash. Well worth it.

But I advise, bring plenty of extra US one dollar bills, if you give one to each of the dozen or so kids, it's enough to make them happy, of they ask for more, say "sorry I might have to share with someone else"

Oh, and money is "food" so, when they ask for food, they mean money...

And my super skunk is also from Sensi Seedbank...


Active Member
Alright cool, that's a relief. Should I be misting them every day or once every couple of days?

If I go ahead and put the plants into flowering I could still take clones in a week or so if they don't all root, right? It would just not work as well because they would have to overcome the flowering hormones to start rooting?

Thanks a million man!


Well-Known Member
nacho's gonna be a full blown weed jedi before this journal is over.

the force will be strong with this one

ive taken clones a week or two into flowering succesfully. and i dont mist my clones at all unless the humidty is way down.\

what do you think OB1?