mrDark420's First Grow (Bay Area)


Male or female, what do you think? I think they look like balls but this is me asking for a second opinion. ;) I also noticed that on my plant that is flowering, the pistols are clearly white. On this plant, the pistols are there but are green as can be.

My other plant is flowering nicely, buds are getting thicker by the day. If my sativa ends up being a male (which it looks like it is), i'm gonna be pretty bummed out because that would mean 2 out of 3 were males. :roll:



Well-Known Member
The plant in the first pic is definitely a male. Look at the balls on the top nodes. dirrtyd


Thanks dirrtyd. Yeah man I'm bummed out because that plant was smelling good and had the fastest growth out of three I started out with. I guess i'm down to just one now! :roll:


Hey guys! Thought i'd post an update since it's been a little while. The plant's coming along nicely now, take a look down below for the pics. I finally figured out how to work the camera so I actually got some good shots. :mrgreen:

I'm still giving her Tiger Bloom every other watering. Any general idea of when I should stop doing so and switch to just water? My buddy who grows told me that when the hairs turn darker that means you're getting close but the buds aren't as big as I'd thought they'd be so I'm not really too sure about it. To me it looks like a bunch of white hair and not so many buds, like it still needs to grow into its hair haha.



So I went to four different stores today (walmart, grocery store, and two pharmacies) looking for pocket microscopes or loupes and they had NOTHING. All they had was those little rinky-dink 2x magnifying glasses. Pissed off at this, I decided to go home and take a little sample off my plant. Took some scissors and cut off about a bowl's worth off the top of a nug, microwaved it a little and then let it dry outside for a little longer (its like 90+ here today so i didn't have to wait too long).

It didn't taste very well and i'm sure it's still not old enough yet but it did give me a pretty good high. I'm sitting in my room right now all happy because I actually got high off something I grew, it feels good! Now I just have to resist the urge to go out and take some more samples. ;)


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got about two or three weeks to go. Buy you something at radio shack. keepem green dirrtyd


It's funny you say that because while I was out looking earlier, I knew there was one more place I could visit but I couldn't think of it at the time. And now you just reminded me of what that place was! I'll check out Radio Shack tomorrow to see if they have what I'm looking for.

And about the two to three weeks comment, that's just about what I was thinking too so its good to hear it from someone else. The hairs that were once white are quickly turning brown so I think i'm gonna give her Tiger Bloom for the next week or two and then start my flush process before harvest. Should be good to go by then hopefulyy. Ohhhhh the excitement! Can't wait to start again next season!


Well-Known Member
Do they have a Harbor Freight near you? They have loupes cheap

Your plants are looking great!



Looks like there's a Harbor Freight about five miles from me, I think I might check it out. Or I might just be lazy and buy one on eBay since they're only like $3 for a 30x loupe.

And thanks, I hope they end up smoking as good as they look and smell!

EDIT: Just bought a 30x loupe on eBay for like $6 from very close to where I live so it should be here soon and then I can check out how my trichs are looking. =]


Just got my 30x loupe in the mail and took some pictures. :clap: Enjoy! I'm no expert but i'd say my trichs are looking milky, but correct me if i'm wrong. I know it doesn't really show up too well in the pictures but I noticed when I was just looking and not taking pictures that the trichs are anything but clear. So two to three weeks? Or am I looking at something sooner now?




Judging by these pics, how long do you think I have until I should start flushing for harvest? Please let me know what you think! :joint: :mrgreen:


How important is it to have darkness when drying? Because I have a shed which i'm planning on drying the weed in once it is done but there are a couple issues i'm worried about. The main issue is that my shed doesn't have a door, meaning there is constant light entering. The opening is about four feet wide and seven feet tall, and most of the shed stays shaded while not completely dark (depends on the time of day really). My other option is to dry in a small tent that I have which I can cover up with something to keep the light out but i'm not so sure about how well-ventilated it would be, which is why i'm asking how vital the darkness is. Just wondering if anyone has a better idea than me about how I should proceed. ;)

It's been hot here lately. Today especially. I came home and all my leaves were wilted down and when I watered her, the water just pretty much went through the soil because it was so dry. Damn heat needs to go away!


Drying indoors is not a possibility, my parents would never let me do that. I'm surprised they even let me grow here in the first place. :lol:

Here's my thinking: I want to hang a tarp from the ceiling to keep light out of a corner of the shed. Then I want to hang all the buds by string and spread them out with a fan on the floor in between the wall and the tarp to circulate air. My shed has a gap between the roof and the top of the wall where air can flow in and out so maybe the fan would generate enough of a draft to keep mold out and the tarp would eliminate the light. Any observations of flaws in this plan? Perhaps the humidity and heat? Because it does tend to get a little warm in the shed, especially in this 90+ degree weather we've had here lately but it will be cooling off here (hopefully) in a few weeks when i'm planning on harvesting.



So the "storm" that people called it here has finally passed and now my girl is back outside soaking in the California sun! :blsmoke: I took these pics this morning but it was windy so the plant kept moving around, especially hard to take with the loupe. So how is it looking? I'm thinking of taking another sample off maybe today. Should I expect to start flushing very soon?

Edit: Also noticed some spiderwebs on the top cola yesterday, hopefully it doesn't end up becoming a bad thing. I don't think I can really spray bug killer at this point so i'm kinda just keeping my fingers crossed.


Five days ago I took a branch off my plant, trimmed it, and then hung it up. Today it was dry enough to smoke so I took a little pinch and packed it into my bong. First bong rip I immediately felt a rush to my eyes and head and it made me so happy that my plant finally got me properly high! :-o The rest of that nug is in a jar in my closet. I'm going to smoke each and observe the difference between not curing and curing since this is my first time growing. I'm very pleased with how it's gone so far, so thank you very much to all of you who have helped me so far! I know i'm not exactly out of the woods yet though haha.

So I haven't given my plant any nutes for the last 13 days, and i've flushed her three times (including today) since then. I took off some more nugs today, which are shown in the picture. Looking at the trichs, they were either super white or amber so I believe they were ready to be picked. Can't wait to see how they smoke once they're dry! :-P



Today was harvest day! :-P:leaf:


Any estimates on how much i'll yield? The weed is pretty fluffy but not super fluffy so I guess we'll see. I'll post the combined weight of the buds once they are dry. :lol: I'm so excited! From one plant I didn't expect to have this much.