MrCool's Super Grape Ape, Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 CFL + HPS Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice man. That room is gonna look great when its busting with buds. Will definetly be keeping an eye out on this one as i think im gonna do some sour grape next time. Rep back at ya Mr cool


Well-Known Member
Nice man. That room is gonna look great when its busting with buds. Will definetly be keeping an eye out on this one as i think im gonna do some sour grape next time. Rep back at ya Mr cool

Originally Posted by big tony
Damn what I wouldn't give to smoke a join of that sour grape ape or even grow it lol. Aint none of that over here in TN that I know of and I don't really trust websites to actually send me seeds :P

Ya Sour Grape Ape is a damn good smoke...but im growing SUPER Grape Ape Lol :eyesmoke:bongsmilie <----You lol


Well-Known Member
Well i picked up 2 Kens GDP and 2 GDP on 3/25 and put them in some Fox Farm Organic party cups, today i put the Blue Dream into 5 gallon pots with the fox farm. i also picked up some Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A+B and Sensi Bloom A+B as well as some Bud Candy (aka. Sweet) and game them a feeding today as well.... any way here are some pics and some questions...

The new nutes....

The plants.....

Blue Dream

Here i one of the Hindu Kush x Skunk #1, i think the leaves are growing kinda funny, and they yellow spots where from shock from transplanting...

The other Hindu Skunk and a Super grape ape on the right...

And here are the new clones i got, the ones on the back are GDP and the front ones are Ken's GDP, they have been in Fox Farm organic soil for three days. i have been keeping the top of the soil wet not damp since then and just gave them a 1/8th does of the nutes to help with the color. I will transplant the GDP's after a week in the party cups...

Post Away.......


i must ask how did you set up your cfls? i have mine attached to a power strip and mounted on the side of my grow box, but im moving into the closet when it gets bigger and i wanna try to mimic the lights the best i can


Active Member
looking nice man. keep it up. I was a little worried about my grape ape with the way the leaves were looking. But i guess thats normal for that strain??


Well-Known Member
damn you went with advanced nutes huh. hella people are for them. but there expensive. id recommend house and garden next time around if your interested in trying different things out. the whole line would be much cheaper and will last longer. i use advanced where i work and house and garden in my grow. i personally would choose house and garden. same quality for sure and can guarantee a bigger yield. advanced nutes actually recommends a house and garden product over theres. check out there shooting powder. blows advanced's big bud away.

le' rukkus

Well-Known Member
everythin is lookin goood you should look in to trimming and low stress training, other than that, you got most of the necessary equip but do you have any fresh intake air comin in? or any c02 device?

Cali Grower

I agree, i am going to the club tomorrow to pick up some more clones to put into my new pots i got...

how does that work???
idk know the logistics and technicallities but it does. i guess they're afraid of there reflection or something? not really sure. lol