Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
My feed has been all organic with just earh juice bloom and jamaican bat guano,Ill also used a little tiger bloom for the nitrogen,it and jamaican gauno stop any nitrogen diffencies.I usually stop the grow in the fourth week of budding,Im going with pure blend next run.Im thinking of starting a perpetual grow instead of running a shit load of clones but I like running my clones from good keeper mothers and it just seems easier for me...peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive crossed a few seeds to grow outside this spring.I seperated and used very little pollen and should just have very few seeds.Ive found that if the plant just produces a few beans that the beans and plants are both healthier I chopped my males tonight and should have a few beans,I pollinated one or two buds in a couple places,bean crosses are JTR f2,Chernobyl f2,SB f2,JTRxSB all to be grown outdoors in 2010................Peace


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive got a little under 20 clones vegging now and about 10 more thats not rooted yet.Ill be filling my cloner up tonight with JTR and Space bomb.I plan on running about 50 JTR and SB clones after this seed crop..Ive got so many strains that I dont know which to pop next Ill for sure Ill pop 5 of the nevilles haze as soon as they come in the next two weeks,Im also bidding on Nevilles SSH this week but I wont win it because Im not bidding over 150,last week it went for 250 and Im not willing to pay that much.......peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Hers my WW cutting and Im goin to veg her a little longer then put her into flower in about 3 weeks.I think I can get another cutting in a few weeks ......thanks

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Im glad to see your getting married sub, You and Ms.Jill have a great time on new years and I hope you guys have the time of your life.Ive found me a second home at the bay if you guys have any grow questions on subs gear ,all the information you need is over at breedbay .....................peace and congradulations Sub!


Active Member
Hers my WW cutting and Im goin to veg her a little longer then put her into flower in about 3 weeks.I think I can get another cutting in a few weeks ......thanks
Your SQ's are big huh? Keep searching for that tiny bomb....

Here's a pic of a ww from seedsman i got going, thought you might be interested, it's on day 37 of flower.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I got my cutting from a guy Ive met off this site,he also gave me cuttings an samples of Kali mist, WW ,Larry Og and I gave him Opium and TW clones and hes also getting JTR,SB next week.peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Thanks Donkeyote,Rocky Top and I both like sativas and we are both old men of 50.Im hopeing to get SSH this week and Ive also bid on outlaws east coast purple desiel .I might win the desiel but the super silver will go for 175 and Im not paying that much.......Thanks and peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive let my power cloner get nasty and Ive spent all night cleaning and soaking it and now Ive got to go take a few more cuttings to get vegging .The reason I have not been able to clean it regularly is I dont have the washer for the side so Ive been silicone caulking it shut.................. peace out

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I filled the cloner and my tray full of clones (58 total), all are JTR and SB with about five being trainwreck.The 20 + that are vegging allready and these will be what Im running next.Im only going to veg a short time to keep the size down a little.........thanks


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive gave my resident JTR and SB mothers a pretty good hair cut but then again I took over 50 cuttings off of two plants.They still look pretty good after they have been raped.............thanks and peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I won another auction last night,I got the East Coast Purple desiel from Outlaw Genetics from breedbay.Some guys trying to outbid me on Mr.Nices super silvr haze already this morning and there 5 days left.( what a fucking retard).............peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
My trainwreck is going to be a huge yielder,the leaves are allready covered in resin.Im am also throwing two JTRs in DWC tonight and Ill use organic Guano juice with a few organic microbes,...The yield may be worth the troublepeace



Well-Known Member
My trainwreck is going to be a huge yielder,the leaves are allready covered in resin.Im am also throwing two JTRs in DWC tonight and Ill use organic Guano juice with a few organic microbes,...The yield may be worth the troublepeace
those girls are beautiful

keep the pics coming whenever your bored:bigjoint: