Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden


Great looking plants I myself am new to guerrilla growing I also have a batch of about 20 to plant outdoors there also bag seed & I totally understand what your saying about ppl not knowing quality genetics from bag seed last year I grew Blue cheese & a few freebies I got from green house seeds but that was grown indoors & in hydro,I hope my ladies turn out looking as healthy as yours they just popped out of the soil yesterday so we'll see I look forward to reading up on your grow & hopefully get some great info on guerrilla growing since this type of growing is new to me,peace & pot!!!


Well-Known Member
alright folks, i got a bunch of plants goin out tomorrow and gettin transplanted into larger containers, mostly 3 gal, with a few 1 and 2 gallon pots. also i know some1 with some fem pineapple chunk and some fem freebies so i might be able to get some from him, and know what im growin, atleast for a few plants, ill get pics up tomorrow once i get them transplanted, i have a few new plots i found that im very happy with, and get really good sun.


Well-Known Member
New to this site but gunna be keeping an eye on you're work looks very nice ! I have a small crop going this year it's also my first grow, I have alot to learn up on.


Well-Known Member
most of my plants are now out, been busy as hell trying to get soil and other materials out to my plots , i have 4 plots, 12-14 plants per plot, only had time to get plants out to 3 of them this weekend. all are about a ft or so now, with 5-7 nodes, i plan to start tying them down and training them very soon


Well-Known Member
What sz containers are you keeping them in? looks good so far good luck to you. i'll be watching.

F2H :leaf:
mostly 3 gal, although i skimped a bit on the soil in the grow bags so more like 2 gal for those, until i move them to there final container which will range from 5 -25 gal containers, ill probably finish some in the 3 gal as i imagine soils gonna be an issue, already gone through 2 bails and still have to transplant a bunch more,


I can say that I have so much to learn. My plants are no way the size of yours.
I was hoping for my own use but I don't think they are going to do well.
What type of lights you using in your 4ft lights. I can't afford the pain meds anymore
(Disc and RA Pain) and I'm looking for something thats now as $$$$$.
Good Job.


Well-Known Member
I can say that I have so much to learn. My plants are no way the size of yours.
I was hoping for my own use but I don't think they are going to do well.
What type of lights you using in your 4ft lights. I can't afford the pain meds anymore
(Disc and RA Pain) and I'm looking for something thats now as $$$$$.
Good Job.
just 2 shop lights, T8 bulbs,


I'm 58 YO and I have heard about how Pot helps with pain and I have to say when I was in my late teens and 20's, I dabbled
in trying it but never got involved in growing for myself. Now that I'm older, I need another form of pain relief. I would be greatful
to help me learn a new career. My state is just about ready to pass legal pot for medical use and I would like to grow my own
for just that.


Well-Known Member
I can say that I have so much to learn. My plants are no way the size of yours.
I was hoping for my own use but I don't think they are going to do well.
What type of lights you using in your 4ft lights. I can't afford the pain meds anymore
(Disc and RA Pain) and I'm looking for something thats now as $$$$$.
Good Job.
just 2 shop lights, T8 bulbs,


Well-Known Member
I'm 58 YO and I have heard about how Pot helps with pain and I have to say when I was in my late teens and 20's, I dabbled
in trying it but never got involved in growing for myself. Now that I'm older, I need another form of pain relief. I would be greatful
to help me learn a new career. My state is just about ready to pass legal pot for medical use and I would like to grow my own
for just that.
ill help with what i can, i know im a pretty good grower but my knowledge is limited compared to many others here on the forum, but if u got a question, shoot it out and ill do my best to answer,


Well-Known Member
alright here they are, all doing quite well, 1st 3 pics are of the three plots that are out, next 2 is a blackout chamber i threw together, i plan to attemp an force flower a few plants for an early harvest. next 2 are the 2 females that showed, and surprising ly neither of them were plants put into the blackout chamber. now all are unknown strains, (except the few PC) and the only ones showing sex so far are the seeds from what i grew last year, one showed sex a week or so wafter being placed outside, the other showed inside, under a 15/9 cycle, however started 16/8 cycle, thought that was weird but im not complaining, i know for sure these two are fem and can get them into there finishing pots asap. and the last pics are the plants still inside, after 5 weeks in plastic cups, rootbound as shit bc ive been puttin off gettin them out, and there all boxed up ready to be taken to their new home. things are staring to move along tho. ill try and let u guys know whats goin on


Well-Known Member
Damn lol, settin up shop right in the woods haha. looks like a tent. you just gonna leave those ones in there? or how do they receive light? also what if it rains haha, that thing would collapse.

F2H :leaf: