Moving to ri!!!

Hey to the site. Originally from MA but moving to RI in a few weeks. I'm passionate about MMJ and would like to become a caregiver. I've been reading a lot of posts and I'm really hoping to get some advice and support from current RI caregivers. Glad to be a part of the site!!! :blsmoke:
Well I believe you have to have a clean BCI before you can become a caregiver. Every time a caregiver picks up a patient (maximum of 5), they must pay the state $75 AND submit a BCI. So if you have 5 patients the caregiver must provide 5 separate BCIs, one for each patient. The license lasts 2 years at which time it must be renewed at a cost of $275 PLUS another $75 to the state. I think you're limited to 12 flowering and 12 seedling plants per patient. Check out RI medical marijuana law.
That's patients price and I believe they treat caregivers the same...card good for 2 years....then start whole process over....someone correct me if i'm wrong.
Is RI patients allowed to sell there extra meds to any RI patient? Like in Cali

NO a patient cant sell to any patients THEY CAN gift or share or give sell is a bad word Caregivers can ONLY take DONATIONS from an assigned patient they care for in order to keep the grow going for supplies lighting electric etc...AND a caregiver only pays the 75$ fee first time and at renewal and provide a BCI.patients that paid a fee to a dr must repay again if they use that same dr.
Thanks for the input. A backround check is not an issue for me. Not looking to make money on this either, just really believe in the medicinal uses of MMJ and have a green thumb!
It breaks my heart all these states around me are doing medicinal and mine is NOT. United States of America...psh united my ass. I know i am off topic but having back injuries from a motorcycle accident on top of ptsd and Depression and anxiety they wanna feed me opiates and benzos when I need MMJ! Sorry had to vent I'm getting sick and tired of NY. everyone should have a choice to healthy alternatives to live a happy life without relocating to another state ahhhh I'm so frustrated....:(
There are rumors that they will be supplied partially by local caregivers but who knows. The state hasn't worked out all the details yet.
I'm sure they are. The board of directors of the centers have licensed patients and caregivers on them so it would be easy for them to grow under the patient/caregiver licenses. That way they are ready to go when they get the green light. I still don't see them being able to supply themselves with all the edibles, oils, hash, tincture and bud with the numbers they are allowed.