Moving to MIchigan


Well-Known Member
If we had a longer grow season outdoors would be better, more often than not though people buy the wrong strains to do outdoor and end up with a bunch of plants that need to be brought in in the fall because thhey arent ready yet, lol been there done that.
Lmao. that would suck so bad!! I can just image some of the shit.
Whatever it takes, eh stump! whatever it takes.


Well-Known Member
Dude we hauled in like 15 plants of varying size, hung a 1000w HPS and a 1000w MH, we had 9' plus plants bent over at the ceiling that still had a month to go... Ended up with unbelievable colas bigger than my arm.. but it was a pita... To top it off the dumb fuck partner who housed it, showed all of his "buddies" and they ripped us off one night while he was gone, plants lights and all...

Some of those arm size buds I never even got to taste. :(

We still had a lot of smoke that season so it wasn't a total loss... and we avoided the HUNT team all season. :D

I keep it legal these days...


Well-Known Member
Yea, not everywhere is bad. There are some outskirt area's like the one my sister lives in that are just fine. There more like farming area's with not so many houses like Owasso
Owasso is a straight up farming community. Its pretty nice actually.