moving to hps, sog watt/sq.ft?


Well-Known Member
currently using CFLs for my closet DWC sog set up, but want the bigger buds hps will provide. ill work out the vent details latter, but for now just want to know what sort of watt per sq foot i should look to acheive for flowering. my flowering area is about 60" x 22" (roughly 5' x 2'). I will have about 48 plants in there once it's fully filled. (4 DWC tubs of 12 each) i was thinking maybe 2 smaller hps bulbs to better spread the light? what would you guys suggest?


Well-Known Member
well u have a space of 5x2 thats 10sqft..u want a min of 20 watts per sqfoot...the hps will be better then any its up to u and ur much it can take...heat and what have you...right now: 20watts x 10sqft=200watts....but if u can use a 400watt hps with no prob i whould go for it...that whould be 40watts per sqft..the more the better:blsmoke: good luck and :peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply!

hm, if i got a 250w would that cover the whole area, since its 5' across? or would 2x 150w be better to spread the light? I also assume two smaller lights create more heat than one larger one, right?


Well-Known Member
Two lights are always better than one, when you have a "Long, skinny" grow area. But do yourself a favor and use two 250watt lights, that will give you a "realistic" 50watts/sq. ft. of good old HID power.


Well-Known Member
OK, I was debating this in my head earlier today (2x 150 or 2x 250) I figure the heat and cost shouldnt be too different, so ill go with the 2x 250, thanks everyone for your input

(by the way, none of this is to grow anything illegal, ok leo?)