Moving to Colorado


Well-Known Member
Sup guys been thinking bout moving to Colorado and would like some suggestions on where to go. I have a choice between Colorado Springs, Denver, pueblo, or grand junction. Which one would be the cheapest cost of living wise?
pueblo would have the cheapest cost of living then Colorado springs then grand junction and lastly Denver metro area. and ^ he is right most jobs in the cannabis industry seem to be closer to Denver then anywhere else. but with pueblo becoming a bigger player in the state mj production and processing I foresee a lot more companies heading south for cheaper cost of operation

Come join us at Pueblo, small town 'merica at its best

With a crime rate of 74 per one thousand residents, Pueblo has one of the highest crime rates in America
compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns
to the very largest cities.

One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property
crime here is one in 14. Within Colorado, more than 98% of the
communities have a lower crime rate than Pueblo. ...
but hey thats the 40% latinos with no job for ya!
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pueblo would have the cheapest cost of living then Colorado springs then grand junction and lastly Denver metro area. and ^ he is right most jobs in the cannabis industry seem to be closer to Denver then anywhere else. but with pueblo becoming a bigger player in the state mj production and processing I foresee a lot more companies heading south for cheaper cost of operation
better be packin a 9mm :P

Come join us at Pueblo, small town 'merica at its best

With a crime rate of 74 per one thousand residents, Pueblo has one of the highest crime rates in America
compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns
to the very largest cities.

One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property
crime here is one in 14. Within Colorado, more than 98% of the
communities have a lower crime rate than Pueblo. ...
but hey thats the 40% latinos with no job for ya!

Unclebuck should see that ... but then he'll say its racist
Pueblo was just voted one of the worst cities in Colorado in terms of employment crime and some other shit factored in. Springs is a little better but HATES marijuana, Denver seems to be hit or miss depending on what contacts you have.
Oh yeah thats a damn fact, I just mean if you're coming all the way out here there are a few better places. I have friends and fam in pueblo I just would never want to live there... supported by many things other than my opinion.
Just get here and enjoy your freedom!!!
Then settle in. Don't try to CHANGE things. Just go along with the flow. It's already going good, just jump in and go along with it. Don't pay attention to the hipsters... they don't contribute to anything good.
If you want affordable and nice go for the Springs, I lived there for 5 years and have few complaints.
I think the springs is a nice area with a lot to offer unfortunately due to the air force base and large amount of retired military in the area, their attitude towards marijuana is a lot less accepting than other places in Colorado. Still a very beautiful view of the rocky mountains and a large town/small city where you are not as packed in as Denver but still have plenty of options for shopping, going out and doing things.