Moving to CO

Im curious, how is Fort collins? Is it the hood or is it nice?No offense to anyone but I want my kids to be in a better environment than I was.Possible job transfer.peace
yep, a vet here myself and ready to get out of this terrible location. I am not getting foreclosed on, but my house is 34,000 dollars less than my mortgage. I am severely under water and I have been unemployed now for a while. I will be able to use my VA loan as this mortgage is not under it. So I should be able to find a nice house that the VA might pick up and I will not have to worry about landlords. I will be contacting my veteran assistance office tomorrow to find out what I need to do!!!! I am ready to ski down the mountains, should I find a good job. I am a level 3 IT technician, so I am sure that there are an abundance of them. I am ready to stop being looked at like a fool for using cannabis. I do not even drink and would like to quit smoking the tobacco. I will see what the VA can do for me here.

I know there's a Airforce base in Colorado springs (sg1 lol) maybe that could play to your advantage somehow.
i do not know first hand but it seems as fort collins is more family friendly than denver would be. fort collins is slightly more rural therefor less city riff raff. my .02
Keep strong man!
Colorado is the promised land.
Thing will get better just takes time and work.

Im prolly moving to pueblo when I move back to colorfull Colorado
Pueblo is allot cheeper ,warmer and smaller than Denver.

If your crazy Enuff to live way out on the plain (like I do) it's real cheep but there ain't much work.
Its deserted like the moon out here.....
Fort Collins is awesome, I would love to live there. Its a college town but a very cool atmosphere with nice downtown. A lot cleaner than Denver too.
I hear wonderful things about Ft. Collins from friends who went to college there, but only went once when I was a kid. Seems like a nice place.

I wish I could move to Santa Fe.. NM is still medicinal only i think, but also decriminalized... it might be worth it for me in a year or two.

BUT - dude where are all the hot girls in NM ? I have only seen like 5 in my entire life, and im pretty sure they came from out of state. Here they're everywhere - not that it matters at the moment, I cant trust a ho. But some day in the not too distant future, when I have a house and separate "office", I am going to want to get back on the hunt.
I feel bad now, that wasnt totally accurate. I actually know of two girls that are really good looking from Hobbs. But only two.. whereas I know quite a few from Colorado.
Awww thats awesome I have been planning to move to Denver after the new year or so ;) Op way you talked about your ex-wife is very sweet. I wish my ex husband actually cared and was very abbussive he forced me to leave him, I really did love him :(