Moving soon from house to RENTED (something)


Well-Known Member
My chick is loosing her house, which means, loosing my beloved grow room. (nonlegal state), So due to inspectors etc, after harvest I will be killing all but a few clones, and hoping to keep them in a small space in the closet in small containers, minimal lighting just to keep the strain alive in veg as long as possible, because me and many others dig it.

The real question is, when I go to a rented house, It will be more iffy, and If i need to chop prematurely due to land lord walk through, etc, I need to have a new operation that takes a few hours or less to totally break down, stow away and bang my head against the wall counting my lost plants.

So I have been thinking 2x4's and sections of drywall that i can stack and put a tarp over. I can paint the drywall glossy white, take all but the breaker from my current power supply and run it at the next location. So all i will need is studs and drywall, and caulking to set up the next run, whenever that may be.

Will some of you guys that grow in a rental house chime in and give pointers please?


Well-Known Member
Ideally I get a 420 friendly landlord. But if not, and there "overly attentive" It means being sneaky, which i am good at but not flawless.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
If you are renting a house there is a better chance that there will be a "Bonus Room" or a big closet. Apartments suck as they are all the same and no "Extra" space.

The tent is not a bad idea but not stealth at all


Well-Known Member
I've grown in rentals. One was across the street from the landlords house. If you pay rent and don't ask them to fix stuff when it breaks, you will probably never see them, especially if they have other property or live out of state. Just pay them and don't destroy the place, you should be good. I lived for a year with no AC and broken dishwasher so I wouldn't have to see the landlord, then she sends someone over to measure the roof and he sees a plant on the back porch but it didn't cause any problems.

Also, hydro is probably easier to clean up quick and hide. It's alot easier to buy a house than you might think. It's also alot cheaper each month if you can come up with about two grand for a down payment and fees.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
I lived for a year with no AC and broken dishwasher so I wouldn't have to see the landlord
After a year of dealing with a piece of crap water heater, we JUST had it replaced, but I was mildly paranoid about it. We've got everything in a spare bedroom, so I just closed the door, and crossed my fingers. (there was no reason for the guy to go in there, anyway). I did have some stinky candles burning an hour before the guy showed up, and the bedroom window was open to vent.

I've been here a LONG time, and I keep up appearances -- beautiful flowers in the yard, grass mowed, etc... I pay on time, and I never ask the property managers to fix anything, unless something is collapsing around me, and we can't fix it ourselves.

I'm more likely to get busted for the 3 extra cats, 1 extra dog, 1 rabbit, 1 boyfriend, that I have here, than anything else. <knock wood>

My set up is small enough during Winter/Spring (indoor grow) that I could ram everything in the SUV, cover it up, and park it at my sister's house, if needed. Summer would be another story.

Plan for the worst, and hope it never happens. Invest in a good scrubber, if you're in an apartment!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Lemme get this straight, you are going to kill off plants/strains that would be perfectly happy in the ground somewhere outdoors...during planting season?.

You don't have a stable indoor place anyways, so mine as well head outside.


Well-Known Member
Some places legally have to inform you 48 hrs before a walk through, do a lot of questioning when you're looking, let them know you value your privacy - that or grease those bitches with a few hundred bucks. Best of luck, man.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
In Oregon, landlords can be fined if they don't give you notice (unless it's a bonafide emergency) -- they can't even do a driveby & looksie (course, it's not like you can easily prove it). What a lot of them do is include "yard services" in the rental agreement, and they have the yard guys snitch on you if things are looking bad and/or shady.

I've got the "yard service" thing in my rental agreement, but luckily, the yard people are super lazy. If my yard is already mowed and tidy in front, they don't bother with me. I schedule one big trim and clean up with them in the fall, and padlock my gates for the rest of summer. They're terrible at yard work anyway -- they don't know what to trim, they just hack away at everything.

Examine the language on your prospective rental agreement too. If it's vague, like, "No illegal activity", and if you've got your medical card, plus it's legal in your "state", well, there ya go! I still wouldn't exactly announce to them that you intend on growing. Some people think that's fucked up, but I call it plausible deniability.


Well-Known Member
Been growing in my rented 2 bedroom apartment almost 2 years got a 4x4 veg tent with a 400 and a 5x5 with a 1000 for flower I can harvest up to 1.5 lbs every three months I just keep window's open at night to keep house cool and run my exhaust duct into my hallway to keep the room cool

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