moving seedlings under HPS .. and when to feed nutes..

i have waited until there are roots coming out of the jiffy 7 shooter after sprouting the seeds.. this took around a week. plenty of healthy white roots pocking out on average 1.5cm..

when i tahe from CFL lights and put into 4" rockwool and transfer to grow(400hps / NFT). they dont seem to be doing so well.. they seem to start to go light in colour , bottom leaves start to go almost brown.. they stay stood upright.. untill they kinda die off 3 or 4 weeks later.

1 third strengh nutes.. res tmp 69/70 .. ph 5.7 . air temp : 80/82 (i know this a bit high, im adding another exhaust fan to deal with this).. with a large air stone in the res also..(the air stone is a recent addition)..

should i give them something like formulex for first couple of weeks? rather than the grow bloom nutes I am using..

should i wait untill the roots are coming throught the 4" rockwool cube before I put under the 400hps ? have i been putting them under this too soon.

thnx in advance


What distance the hps is from the plant ? The seedling only needs to be put under lights when the first set of leaves , green stage appears. The vegetative grow


Well-Known Member
check prep of rockwool i soak rock wool in 5.5 ph with 1/4 strength (week 1) for 12 hour
check distance from light hang light as far as possible ( the plants being light colored suspect of to much light)
try veging under cfls till the secont set of true leafs

I give them nutes as soon as I see roots. Half strength until they begin branching, then full strength. Once they begin branching, they are adults.
thanks for all your help folks.. Muffy wtf !!

I have not prepped the rockwool. SO, this other set of seedling I have up, i will defo make sure I have pre-soaked them in a PH'd solution. I have more seedlings that are around a week old.

What distance do you recommend I put the light? at the minute its around 18 inches from the tops of the young plants..

Thats the first I have heard of the light being too close turning the plants light green. I thought it might be a nitrogen shortage as they were turning brown from the bottom up . so thanks v-much for that tip..

these seeds , germed in 24 hours. popped up out of the jiffy 7 pellet in the next 24 hours.. they are showing me the 2nd set of serrated leaves inside the first week.

I had a grow on the go for 10 years plus in the past ,, but always from cuttings/clones. I am having a bit of a time of it dialing in this new grow as i am having to grow from seed. but i am enjoying the learning process,, but , not the spending process..

thanks again for your help ,,

Ectomorph ;)