Moving On

The door has been opened, I just can’t seem to walk through it. The window I was using, is now closed and boarded up, yet I still walk to it for light and expect clear vision into the outside world…

It isn’t fear that keeps me from stepping across this precipice, it is humble cautiousness… Yet, humble cautiousness, even with ALL her good intentions, is still just another excuse to do nothing. Worse than being trapped in fear, is the stagnant feeling in body, mind and soul, that comes from the comfort of the absolute “safety” of doing nothing. Never seek solitude here little girl…

I weigh my options, something I do FAR too frequently, I weigh instead of act. One step I often miss after I balance things on my scale of justice, is to act on things and just quit fucking with the results! I have already seen it, and seen it clearly for what it is, I know the truth in my heart already, it is simply waiting for my brain to catch up... GET THERE FASTER!!! J

Moving on takes courage, and strength… It is never easy to let go of anyone or anything you truly love, but moving on requires this for a new viewpoint. Death comes to the old way of thinking just like Winter’s frost freezes the ground solid, and then you bring life to it by moving forward, not back. You breathe life into yourself through the death of old, stagnant thought patterns that will no longer help you to grow and thrive in this reality...

When we truly discover that we create our own realities, it becomes easier to let go and simply observe for how things will pan out, doing as I am asked to do, only one step at a time, it is as easy as placing one foot in front of, not behind, the other!

The key is acceptance; acceptance in no longer denying the truth’s ugly existence, acceptance that it simply is what it is, I did nothing to cause these painful scars I can’t seem to heal from, I can’t deny them their existence any longer… Accepting that death must come to my criminal thoughts, lest they take my mind captive once again, acceptance. Acceptance doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t make it go away, however it does and will bring new life every time I allow it. As a grown adult I so often sit curled up in a ball spiritually and physically over a circumstance, rocking myself gently for comfort, but I am weary of my own comfort, it doesn’t help anymore, so I get up and accept the circumstance, and then I step forward…
I don’t see the bridge ahead over my troubled waters, I don’t see a path and often it is dark, cold and dreary, yet I continue to step forward in faith with each placement of my foot, that I will find my way out of this darkness and find what I truly seek which is truth, and movement is the only source that brings life and healing to stagnant patterns.
So move on, become a warrior and slay the old thought patterns that bring death to your life now. Stop cowering in the corner waiting for someone else to do it, get up, MOVE, do it yourself, you will be SO much happier! J