Moving on. Unite for Legalization it in 2012!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
There will be several legalization ballot measures competing to get on the ballot in 2012. Richard Lee has already announced he will write a new one ASAP.

If there is another legalization ballot measure that you prefer the time to act is right now. The best way to get the legalization measure you want on the ballot is to go out and collect signatures beating Richard Lee to the punch.

Does anyone know if there is an actual organization behind The California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2012? Is one going to start? Waiting around won't make it happen. Uniting early is the only way to make it work.

If anyone has any information on this please let me know.

Respect to Colorado for not waiting for us out here in Cali to get our shit together.
There will be several legalization ballot measures competing to get on the ballot in 2012. Richard Lee has already announced he will write a new one ASAP.

If there is another legalization ballot measure that you prefer the time to act is right now. The best way to get the legalization measure you want on the ballot is to go out and collect signatures beating Richard Lee to the punch.

Does anyone know if there is an actual organization behind The California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2012? Is one going to start? Waiting around won't make it happen. Uniting early is the only way to make it work.

If anyone has any information on this please let me know.

Respect to Colorado for not waiting for us out here in Cali to get our shit together.

I'm fairly certain we can't submit legislation or start gathering signatures until the year of the election, but you are right in that it's time to get all sides at the same table to write effective policy. I expect that numerous groups will probably start in good faith over the next few weeks. Then we can spend all of 2011 debating them and hammering out the details.

P.S. NO one should be waiting for us to do anything. If we're to have any real chance of impacting or influencing the Feds, other states need to get on the bandwagon of medical and decriminalization. 14 states out of 50 will not cut it when it comes to trying to force the Federal government into change. Even Alcohol Prohibition needed the majority of states to hold state conventions to affect policy change in the form of a Constitutional Amendment. At least, all we're trying to do is fix or abolish a Congressional Act which should, in theory, be easier to affect change in.
Im all for uniting for the cause and helping in any way possible for the ballot measure in 2012, although Im not totally bummed 19 didnt pass, I was hoping the vote would be a little closer, but with alot of the medical community not supporting it chances were very slim in the end. Your absolutely right though we need to all get together, put aside our disagreements, as there is never going to be a perfect piece of legislation, but our common goal needs to be the end of prohibition and a bill that is clearly written and understood by the masses, still with the key point being the ability for taxes to generate millions of dollars for our state. I know you were a big proponent of prop19 and although I didnt totally agree with everything, we are all going to need more people like yourself that are completely committed to the cause. My main concern is getting the greed out of the equation when it comes to the medical community, thats the one problem I did have was anyone who voted no because they stood to lose profits from selling large amounts of their "medicine", my issue was with the bill itself, never about the competition it would create, there will always be a market for superior quality. Take Care, Peace!
The measure only lost by about 5%. I'm willing to bet that if all or most of the cannabis users had sided together instead of being divided, it probably would have passed. Which, in my opinion, puts us in a sweet position for some real possibilities in a presidential election year.
There will be several legalization ballot measures competing to get on the ballot in 2012. Richard Lee has already announced he will write a new one ASAP.

If there is another legalization ballot measure that you prefer the time to act is right now. The best way to get the legalization measure you want on the ballot is to go out and collect signatures beating Richard Lee to the punch.

Hopefully Lee will see what was wrong with his bill and fix it. He does have the power to get things done so if he edits the bill to clearly protect patients rights, put less restrictions on individuals, and set reasonable standards for getting commercial permits I wouldn't mind voting for a bill written by him.
There will be several legalization ballot measures competing to get on the ballot in 2012. Richard Lee has already announced he will write a new one ASAP.

If there is another legalization ballot measure that you prefer the time to act is right now. The best way to get the legalization measure you want on the ballot is to go out and collect signatures beating Richard Lee to the punch.

Does anyone know if there is an actual organization behind The California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2012? Is one going to start? Waiting around won't make it happen. Uniting early is the only way to make it work.

If anyone has any information on this please let me know.

Respect to Colorado for not waiting for us out here in Cali to get our shit together.

out of alot of peps here, you have alot of common sense and knowledge so i give u that. prop 19 is just the beginning and should not look as a failure that some might think. i think there was alot of misinformation that got spread around. however, 2012 should even be better cause now our movement has the awareness, financial, and political backing that we never had before (still growing-i might add). hopefully, this time the new purpose measures will satisify all party so that something could move forward in the right direction.

peace and keep up the good work!