Moving clones indoors at night?


Active Member
Greetings board members. Im very newbie to the game and had a question for the more advanced growers out there. Recently purchased to clones and just transported them to a bigger pot. However, I live in an area by the coast that seems to be getting fewer and fewer hours of sunlight a day as well as overcast weather. I know Im very late in the grow season but still doing it for the fun and to learn a thing or two since im bored. My question is, since the night hours in my area get somewhat cold, is it safe and effective to move my plants indoors at night in order to dodge the night coldness or shall I leave them outdoors 24/7. I plan on doing this without light assistance or and hydroponics. If anyone has any advice for me please let me know.



Active Member
you can, it wouldnt hurt them so long as your consistant with it. dont put them back outside too late in the day that they miss any sun. really cold temps shouldnt be too much of a prob unless it freezes. the days are shorter now because of the time of year, the shorter days naturally cause the plant to flower, thats why you veg plants with 18 hr days/ 6hr nights, and flower it with 12 hr days/ 12 hr nights. if your plant is still small it might be good to bring it in just before the sun goes down and put it under a flourecent, time the light to shut off when an 18 hr day has finished, ie if the sun rises at 7 am then make the light turn off at 12 or 1 am, this will keep your plant vegging until its big enough to flower. but dont go too long or your plant could still be flowering in december/ january and risk the threat of freezing.