u cant be arrested for being high...just the possession of it....unless ur drivin then they can call u impairedhi everyone, i really want to see the new pirates of the carribean while baked, and was wondering if you would get nabbed by the police/ security guard people if you were baked?
I am sure they could get you for being in public while high. But 1st you would have to make an ass out of yourself cause a problem for others around you etc. But since this isn't beer that will never happen. I talked to a cop yesterday while coming down from my pre work toke (gas stationu cant be arrested for being high...just the possession of it....unless ur drivin then they can call u impaired
When I was a little teenager, I didn't ALWAYS go to the movies high, sometimes I went on Acid... until one time I took too many hits and went to see house of a thousand corpses in the front row chair... I thought my eyeballs would roll 180* degrees into the back of my head until I was blind. That movie grinded down into my gray matter like 100 teachers scratching their fingernails on the blackboard, but on my skull