Moved baby plant into new home...

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am indeed a newbie grower :-P and need a little help right nowww. I started with a plastic cup and planted a NON germinated seed in it and got nothing after a few days then planted a germinated seed in it and it started growing but 2 days later the NON germinated seed started to grow also. So now i have 2 baby plants starting to grow both about a week old give or take a few days. I figured id remove one before it kills the other so while removing it into a bigger pot (its new home for the rest of growing) I accidentally cut it in half, So my question is do you think it will survive in the new pot or should i not waste my time on it?
Yeahh i figured but i thought id give it a try and post on here seeing what everyone else thanks. Thanks for the reply though.