Mouldy Weed can kill you


Smoking moldy weed can kill you, and so can riding the Airbus to France. I have been researching this and I am finding that a lot of people are claiming smoking moldy week will kill you, as if there is some high chance it will. Compounding this is a lack of references or citations of medical articles, journals and reports to proove this.

It seems like a lot of heresy is going around, with no facts to back this.

The CDC states "A link between other adverse health effects, such as acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage among infants, memory loss, or lethargy, and molds, including the mold Stachybotrys chartarum (Stachybotrys atra), has not been proven.

A study was done on cigarettes where they found these deadly molds in tobaccco and NONE in marijuanna! In fact in tests done, no harful molds were found in pot!

I'm not saying to go smoke moldy weed. I am also not suggesting you go board an Airbus either. Or smoke a nasty cigarette loaded with deadly chemicals and harmful molds right out of the factory. I think the people who are posting that moldy weed will kill you are going a bit far, and need to site where they get this info.

I would suggest for anyone worried about this subject to talk to a doctor before talking to an uneducated stoner. I should know, I am of the latter and it took a me a while to understand this issue. Just cuz someone told you it will kill you doens't mean squat. Site your references if you are going to make wild claims!
you look into this a little bit more and you will find that this is from some info i posted in another thread... info was cited, and it was clearly stated that the ONLY known, documented case of death directly related to weed was from a man with a COMPRIMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM SMOKING MOLDY WEED and developing severe respitory infections (from the mold), which killed him..... never said the average joe will drop dead from smoking moldy weed, just that it definately presents some health issues worth taking into consideration.
So they found the same mold in his lungs as in his stash.

Question is, did they also find it elsewhere in his environment?

Is it not possible the same source that contaminated his pot also contaminated his lungs?

It's not as if the mold spontaneously evolved on his weed. The original spores had to come from somewhere else.

I don't smoke moldy bud. Better safe than sorry, but there is surprisingly little scientific evidence that moldy weed is as toxic as I assumed.


So they found the same mold in his lungs as in his stash.

Question is, did they also find it elsewhere in his environment?

Is it not possible the same source that contaminated his pot also contaminated his lungs?

It's not as if the mold spontaneously evolved on his weed. The original spores had to come from somewhere else.

I don't smoke moldy bud. Better safe than sorry, but there is surprisingly little scientific evidence that moldy weed is as toxic as I assumed.

no its not "toxic", but at the same time, it is a health danger.... you wont die, but you'll probably develop a respiratory infection... by your logic, eating dogshit should be okay, as it wont kill you, just give you some mean stomach bugs :mrgreen:


New Member
I have posted this before and am always amazed at how many dismiss it so easily... (not you GG).

This has always been my position as the ANGLE to get weed LEGALIZED for ALL.


Obama: My fellow Americans.... it is a fact that millions of Americans are smoking a plant which is not not clean. It is a health danger to all those concerned. It is my solemn duty to protect US citizens from this health hazard and as part of my Health welfare bill, I am going to legalize marijuana....for the safety of our children.

That's the way to change attitudes in the USA. Mothers will then start to view weed differently.... Hope...change.


Well-Known Member
ya good info however moldy bud that could kill would be kinda easy to tell if its full of mold am i wrong lol


New Member
How much mold is too much? Which many different ones are on your weed?

All unknowns.... unless you have lab'll never know.


ya good info however moldy bud that could kill would be kinda easy to tell if its full of mold am i wrong lol

if you know what you're looking for..... I've seen some molds that are interestingly deceiving... for example... once i heard of some "hawiian blue" going around, so naturally it sounded exotic and interesting... when i got to check it out, it turns out that it was some shwag covered in blue mold, which actually resembles a nice carpet of stalked, capitate trichs... but they were blue:eyesmoke:.... if i didnt know better, i woulda been excited and bought the shit just like the rest of the dumb kids
no its not "toxic", but at the same time, it is a health danger.... you wont die, but you'll probably develop a respiratory infection... by your logic, eating dogshit should be okay, as it wont kill you, just give you some mean stomach bugs :mrgreen:
my logic?

you mean how I said "i don't smoke moldy buds"?

...or how I said 'better safe than sorry"?

...or how stated "AS toxic as I thought"?
(indicating I still consider it toxic)

...or how I said there are no peer reviewed scientific studies on the subject?

Point me to the studies, master of dog shit logic.


New Member
Which is exactly why it need to be controlled by big outfits there is a reasonable amount of assurance that any weed inhaled is as clean as possible.

No one tests their own will have to be done at a professional professional growers...with lab facilities and methodologies.


Well-Known Member
my question is... is there mold that is undetectable ? i mean im freaked out enough about what kinda shits in my bud even MY BUD I GROW GETS LOOKED AT THRU A JEWELERS LOUPE LOL .. with me .. ANY DETECTION OF MOLD WILL NOT GO INTO MY LUNGS .. im just sayin BE MORE CAREFUL AND U WONT DIE FROM MOLDY WEED LOL STAY SAFE FELLOW TOKERS


New Member
Absolutely there is mold you cannot detect.

By the time your nose or eye can spot mold....the weed is INFESTED.

BUT.... who knows how much is actually there? You just can't know without expensive testing.

Mold is invisible to the casual observer. You could have a hundred different kinds of pathogens on ur weed....and never know it.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely there is mold you cannot detect.

By the time your nose or eye can spot mold....the weed is INFESTED.

BUT.... who knows how much is actually there? You just can't know without expensive testing.

Mold is invisible to the casual observer. You could have a hundred different kinds of pathogens on ur weed....and never know it.

so wait a minute im confused kind of.. even if you dry and cure it properly, its still infested with mold ? so in a sense even your homegrown aint safe?! im outraged :( this is the whole reason i started growing in the first place, to make sure its as safe as possible. so what about like lettuce and herbs i guess you could say the same thing about those too? its just that we ingest them instead os smoking them? MY GUESS IS IF HOMEGROWN AND DRIED AND CURED PROPERLY UR CHANCES ARE SLIM TO NONE OF DYING!! OR EVEN GETTING SICK FROM MOLD AS WELL LET ALONE DYING LOL


my logic?

you mean how I said "i don't smoke moldy buds"?

...or how I said 'better safe than sorry"?

...or how stated "AS toxic as I thought"?
(indicating I still consider it toxic)

...or how I said there are no peer reviewed scientific studies on the subject?

Point me to the studies, master of dog shit logic.

how many "peer reviewed scientific studies" can you point me to in general on cannabis?

kiss-ass with your attitude... I dont need to prove my point... idiots will still continue to believe that moldy buds are okay because they havent had a study, who's wording they probably couldnt get a good grasp on anyway, thrown in their face to say its not a good idea.

if you would like, you can dig through my posts and find the links i've posted (at least twice) on the topic at hand..... or you could use the greatest library known to human history, and google it.... self taught is still okay ;)


New Member
I think you are probably in MORE control by growing ur own weed....but in the end... all of the things you are inhaling are basically invisible to the naked eye.

Only when weed can be grown in a truly controlled environment with all of the proper fungicides and insecticides done at the right time and right amounts and TESTED...can you really be sure.

That's the angle to get weed legalized.... safety! think of the children!! Isn't that always the best hook? :wink:

Get the Mothers on board and weed WILL be legalized.

Yes, there is a big difference between eating something and smoking. your digestive tract is EQUIPPED to deal with many more pathogens than your lungs are.. :peace:


so wait a minute im confused kind of.. even if you dry and cure it properly, its still infested with mold ? so in a sense even your homegrown aint safe?! im outraged :( this is the whole reason i started growing in the first place, to make sure its as safe as possible. so what about like lettuce and herbs i guess you could say the same thing about those too? its just that we ingest them instead os smoking them?

i would say from my limited experience growing and in mold remediation services, that for the average, knowledgeable grower, mold should be an evident issue that is properly taken care of if/when it does occur..... except for airborne mold spores, mold colonies are fairly easy to distinguish upon close inspection.... but again, you need to know what you're looking for..... with respects to both trichs and mold.


Well-Known Member
I think you are probably in MORE control by growing ur own weed....but in the end... all of the things you are inhaling are basically invisible to the naked eye.

Only when weed can be grown in a truly controlled environment with all of the proper fungicides and insecticides done at the right time and right amounts and TESTED...can you really be sure.

That's the angle to get weed legalized.... safety! think of the children!! Isn't that always the best hook? :wink:

Get the Mothers on board and weed WILL be legalized.

Yes, there is a big difference between eating something and smoking. your digestive tract is EQUIPPED to deal with many more pathogens than your lungs are.. :peace:
dude i agree with you totally thanks man