Mould problems


New Member
Hi I recently noticed Mildrew on some of my plants , I investigated more an found smokey mould & slight budrot here & their. Ive chopped all the mouldy parts off my plant & sprayed with milk/water..... should I throw the whole plant away or is it enough to chop all the diseased parts ?they are in late flowering. Any opinions/advice would be grateful.
Id just let it finish up as long as you can, and give it a quick dip in water and hang dry it .
Ive got a few outdoor plants in quarantine because of PM and that is my plan with them.
i just wanna see how the main plant is looking if its diseased u should have figured that out and tossed the bad stuff. i had some budrot this run very minimal amount lost maybe half a o. my heat at night was fluctuating badly. daytime temps were 79-81F night time It was dropping to 68-67F. thats what caused my problem atleast.
if so that's what outdoor growers deal with every year. all I can say if u want more outdoors control get a hoop house.
when did you start your plants because being October its pretty late for them being this far from harv.
outdoor turns to 12/12 naturally the light hours change to 12/12 in my area mid sept. some plants will trigger earlier then others as the light hrs drop.