Mother's Finest 1000W Aeroponics SCROG


Well-Known Member
lookin good man, u gonna cure em after ur done? cant remember if u answered this already. how long u gonna cure em if u are


Well-Known Member
cherry bomb... i like the name but i've never heard of it. Then again... i'm a nobody who knows nothing ;) :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah... I don't know what's going on. My humidity is low 35-40%. Temp ranges from 65 to 75 degrees. I can't tell if I am over fertilizing or under fertilizing. At this point, it doesn't matter much because I start flushing with fresh water in a few days.

Plants look like they are starting to wilt a little....


Well-Known Member seems from the pics that some might need to go a little longer
2.what is your estimate yield
3.i cant remember which thread i asked u on, but i was curious how u liked the big bud cuz i got some seeds in and i think that is my next grow


Well-Known Member
Dude, How can you sit there and post this.... Honestly DO you think that your work and time will be worth the 1/8th of dried buds you'll end up with?

I just never understood that. These people run the same risks as anyone else that is growing... yet they want to be all happy about 6 small ass buds....

I am sorry if this is coming out wrong...
what the fuck is everyones problem, its my 2nd fucking attempt, and its experimenting to get growing down. I'm investing in HID, and if you would of read most of the thread you would understand why the plant is small, and as I said, im still happy with it. So go fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member
chill out genfranco :joint::peace: its cool to post questions in my thread. I think learning about cannabis is the key and you can learn a lot growing some little buds. I'm not here to judge people... just to learn more about how to grow and maybe help some others learn along the way

Dude, How can you sit there and post this.... Honestly DO you think that your work and time will be worth the 1/8th of dried buds you'll end up with?

I just never understood that. These people run the same risks as anyone else that is growing... yet they want to be all happy about 6 small ass buds....

I am sorry if this is coming out wrong...