Mothers are sick....... dying from the bottom up


Active Member
It's spreading to the others as well. I am wondering if it is a disease of some kind.

View attachment 1648266View attachment 1648267

They are my hydro pots for now in coco and perlite. I feed them GH 3 part growth solution every 3rd watering and water on the others.
I flushed them all at the first signs of trouble and it has continued to get worse.
Could it be root rot? Should I flush with a H202 and water mix?
I've not seen this before. I have searched google and can't find it online like this either.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I think it's a moisture issue. Too little. And I think those pots look too small for the plants. I would put them in bigger pots with enriched soil.


Active Member
I agree with dannyboy. Also try cutting from the top and put the containers on a table to get them higher if you can't move the light down. FLUSH! FLUSH! FLUSH! if you won't repot.


definantly root bound. make sure to use a razor and slice the roots verticly in a few places at the bottom. They are probly spinning out pretty bad and breaking them up a bit will help them branch out and do better


Well-Known Member
Your right disease has set in. Plants are very sick and dying. They have stopped taking up nutes ( mainly pottasium) and by doing this are susceptible and open to disease, prob due to being so root bound its fucking the root system . Repot them into good soil and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
so when was the last time you fertilized them?
OOOHH when you water, look for little white specks that float to the top. i think you might have root aphids. if you do, mix 2 swishers with a gallon of water and let it sit overnight. then strain out the tobacco, the h20 should be brown. this will kill the little bastards and their eggs, usually works in 2 or 3 waterings.


Well-Known Member
you should try something like cannazym. It will dissolve the old roots and turn it into sugars that the plant can use and also make room for new roots and repot in at least 5-7 gal pots


Active Member
repot and make sure to water often enough. they look pretty under-watered. if it is a disease i haven't seen one that takes on the whole plant like that. i've seen fusarium, which is incurable but doesn't kill them like this but a single branch at a time. best you can do is repot and hope they survive