motherboard fan


Active Member
how do i i rewire a motherboard fan. it has FOUR wires and im not sure what do with em alll lol the colors are black,green,yellow, and blue



Active Member
no those are regular comp fan which have 2 wires this motherboard fan has 4 and i have no clue how to rig it.


Well-Known Member
hmm motherboard fan with 4 wires? some internal fans have 3 wires, 4 wires only come from the psu. which you wouldnt want anywhere near your grow tbh..

good luck sortin it oot man xx


Active Member
a blue wire? never seen that.
is this one set of wires to one connector?
gotta picture of the fan and its wires?

N3w81e GR0w3r!

Active Member
You should use a blue and black or black and red. Just keep fiddling about untill the fan spins. The other two wires are probboly so you can measure the fan speed in bios or somen, or adjust the rate at witch it spins.

EDIT: Are yes, the four wire ones conenct to the psu(?) and not the motherboard.