Mother Q's


Active Member
gonna grow a strain of C99xBlueberry, said to be relitivly short but how short do you think i could keep my mother with proper training, also wana know how long could i keep my mother befor replacing her (gonna ScrOG taking 6 or 8 clone at a time) and i know iv asked this before i just wana double check, how far could i keep a 150 HPS bulb from my plant feel perfect about a ft away from it


New Member
wait,,, you are ScroGing your mother? why? just tie it down if you dont want it growing too tall,, ScroG is too much stress for a mother,,, not too mention it will become unmanageable after some time... you will constantly be raising the screen to compensate for the excessive growth a mother will have.. IMO ScroG is a waste for a mother,, and totally unnecessary


Well-Known Member
gonna grow a strain of C99xBlueberry, said to be relitivly short but how short do you think i could keep my mother with proper training, also wana know how long could i keep my mother befor replacing her (gonna ScrOG taking 6 or 8 clone at a time) and i know iv asked this before i just wana double check, how far could i keep a 150 HPS bulb from my plant feel perfect about a ft away from it
I usually replace my mothers once a year. I know with a 400 W HPS optimal distance to achieve 10,000 lumens would be @ 2.25 ft from canopy. So, in theory a foot even slightly closer would achieve the same goal. In how short could it go there is a fine line if you top it off too much you can send to much stress to the mother. If the mother is stressed then the offspring would be stressed as well because clones are in the same likeness of its mother. Good luck...


New Member
lolwow no i would never ScrOG the mother, im take 6 to 8 clones and ScrOGing them
okay then,, now the question is why would you ScroG 6-8 plants? you would need a massive area to scrog 6-8 plants. the whole method of scrog is widening a plant to get more surface area to receive light at a level(ish) plane.

most people scrog one plant maybe two,,, the method you want for 6-8 clones is SOG ......... sea of green. the concept is basically more plants less veg time. this is the method people use to get large harvests frequently