Mother Of Berry MOB with T5 how much longer?


20161004_042033.jpg 20161004_042033.jpg Hey.

I lucked out on a clone of Maine's own Mother Of Berry aka MOB/Maine's Own Blueberry/Money Over Bitches. I am using Fox Farm Happy Frog soil with Grow Big(not using anymore), Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. I have a small fan with one T5 and the worst type of reflection Tinfoil but I'm not changing it now and it's in a small open closet covered by a sheet with shirts hanging over the front and junk piled in front to keep light out and to look inconspicuous. It's warm in there but I'd guess around 75+There is no hiding the odor though its just so strong the entire floor in this rooming house smells like it but I love it. Smells like a bouquet if berries with a hint of skunk. Smells really picked up the last week or 2. I have had it in 12/12 since August or late July can't remember which but I flipped it after I topped it and it was growing like a bonzai plant initially with budsites all around the main stem with no stem longer than an inch when I flipped it after topping but it changed how it grew during the attempt at forcing it to flower and I didn't see pistils till late Aug early September if I remember correctly(I dont keep a log of what I do and when). The tops grew 3x the length they were before I flipped it and are long as fuck. This will be my last photoperiod plant I do for awhile as I have autoflower beans of small height plants for my next attempts.

Anyway it's been in flower for a while now and the smell is loud as fuck but I need to have it down before November. How much longer do you think it needs? The buds were much smaller a couple days ago when I fed it last. The nutes gave it a good boost as before my last feeding there was a lot smaller buds and you could see more white hairs than calyxs but not anymore. Some buds still look the same but maybe thicker like the small rocks at the top of some branching. All the branches grew upwards instead of sideways never seen that just a couple branches sticking out.

Warning: (Ignore the next paragraph unless you want to read a long rant).

I should be growing somewhere else and more at once but because my grandparents are my only family left besides my mother and her sister who lives with them are cynical, blind, stupid old people who are overly conservative and very religious and 100% straight and narrow "everything by the book" people who think think marijuana is evil, a drug, and something no one should use despite being religious(it says in Genesis somewhere in the Bible that God gave us all plants grown from seed on this earth for us to use/utilize), drinkers(booze is fine ofcorse) and are government brainwashed robots in the sense they don't listen to facts they just push u away start going on about how "you don't and shouldn't need anything to function in life", they only listen to what's said on the news or on tv and in the paper as well as takeing everything as fact regardless of what they are told and or shown and live their lives following the "rules" and "laws"(anything the government dictates and says same with pigs erm cops) to a T and fight, piss and moan, bitch, and try to stop anything and everything that is even slightly against what they think/believe is right or ok. They allow drinking but anything else is just horrible and has to be stopped. Their daughter(my aunt) grows tons of herbs and plants and makes em into teas and tinctures but (not that it matters to them) me being LEGAL to do my growing and such there they won't even discuss it with me. My mother who supports its use but because she knows what they think despite her father being 80 something with dementia and or Alzheimer's and her mother being like 76 and lazy and bitchy as fuck who acts like a dictator where she sits around and orders everyone around (I hate needing to go there and I avoid it whenever possible) won't even talk to them about it in any way as she knows what they think and despite helping me with getting my recomendation, rides to pick it up, and interested in the process of things and what it looks/smells like and such and so(is supportive) who lives with them won't even attempt to discuss it with em or try to talk to em for me despite living there. Even to them cigs are bad but mj is worse. I hate closeminded thinking and people. I just had to use their address that's on my old license so I could get my mmj card so I'm stuck using this crappy closet and only able to do one at a time.

Anyway, sorry for going off topic just frustrating as I was forced to live in this shitty rooming house by them and I got my card so I could grow legally so I wouldn't have to spend so much for flower as I cant smoke anymore and the only way I can medicate is with tinctures and edibles. I even indicated my intentions beforehand and spent $240 on seeds but now that it's reality everything talked about won't even be discussed. They are also the only people in my family that live in and have a house as my mother gave hers away to her 2nd kid who's never cared about her or tried to help her. It's fucked up. Yes I sound immature and don't act/think my age but that's due to my severe abuse I suffered for 20 years of my life.
If anyone could give me an estimate based on my pics I'd love to hear it. I have not seen a plant induced into flowering keep growing new stems and only straight up stems or branches with no training before and not show pistils or hairs until a month+ after being flipped 12/12. Just strange to me.

Sorry for the loooong rant but as it correlates with my frustration and why I'm stuck doing it like this and not have the correct type of setup I thought it relevant to tell everything not just part of it.:sigh:

Thank you all for any and all help given. I hope this can be finished soon so I can take a brake from photoperiod strains and start a nice small quick autoflower strain. I bought a bunch of seeds after I got my recommendation so I can't wait to start a small/fast/quick plant. All my seeds I bought were for small short yielding plants.

Thanks again for any help/suggestions! Peace, OneLove, and Positive Vibes everyone!✌✌
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Thanks for the warning...

If it looks close,wich it does. I check with magnification the tirches. If they are mostly clear I wait cloudy maybe pick it i like to wait till some are Amber. If I got a mix of all three I'm golden but most bud is picked cloudy.
Thanks for the warning...

If it looks close,wich it does. I check with magnification the tirches. If they are mostly clear I wait cloudy maybe pick it i like to wait till some are Amber. If I got a mix of all three I'm golden but most bud is picked cloudy.
Exactly what i just included with the link i posted. Stretch your wings and check it out and maybe learn something along the way. I figure if i post a link people can learn a lot from it and in the end they can go farther. Stick around and you will see this question daily. The op seems like a smart enough individual and willing to read a little so i wish them great success with their grow and their living situation.
Hey @VenomGrower6990 and @esh dov ets

Thank you for your kind responses and help/suggestions. I really appreciate it!

I only have my galaxy S4 phone no tv no computer so I surf the net daily for any and all updates regarding marijuana and legalization as well as growing and plant/strain info and geno/phenotypes what F1,F2, BX ETC stands for and many peoples grow logs. I am a strong supporter of the cannabis community and end of prohibition against a plant given to us by God(if your religious) but put on this earth by mother nature and used for century's. I am against any attempt to exterminate nature. No plant regardless of it's alkaloids should be illegal.

I have read many thiilngs on GWE and I am more than willing to take time to read up on anything I need to know. I saw this question asked a lot so I thought I could get some insight from more experienced growers as I have been homeless and going through a lot of bad shit over the past few years and struggling with a bad infection taking over my body but that's my problem. I can't believe I missed the part on GWE with when to harvest as my buds get bigger each time I give it nutes not water as I water every other feeding. This is also my first grow I haven't had bad problems with deficiencies and burn and other problems. One reason I am concerned.

I also downloaded and read the I love growing marijuana how to grow ebook or whatever. It didn't explain it that well. I have a learning disorder so it's hard for me to retain new information and study. But I force myself to due to the love I have for this plant. It's IMO the MOST BEAUTIFUL plant on earth. I joke that my girlfriend is Mary Jane, hah.

Thanks again and any help/suggestions is welcomed and appreciated! One Love, Positive Vibes, and Peace to all!
Hey @VenomGrower6990 and @esh dov ets

Thank you for your kind responses and help/suggestions. I really appreciate it!

I only have my galaxy S4 phone no tv no computer so I surf the net daily for any and all updates regarding marijuana and legalization as well as growing and plant/strain info and geno/phenotypes what F1,F2, BX ETC stands for and many peoples grow logs. I am a strong supporter of the cannabis community and end of prohibition against a plant given to us by God(if your religious) but put on this earth by mother nature and used for century's. I am against any attempt to exterminate nature. No plant regardless of it's alkaloids should be illegal.

I have read many thiilngs on GWE and I am more than willing to take time to read up on anything I need to know. I saw this question asked a lot so I thought I could get some insight from more experienced growers as I have been homeless and going through a lot of bad shit over the past few years and struggling with a bad infection taking over my body but that's my problem. I can't believe I missed the part on GWE with when to harvest as my buds get bigger each time I give it nutes not water as I water every other feeding. This is also my first grow I haven't had bad problems with deficiencies and burn and other problems. One reason I am concerned.

I also downloaded and read the I love growing marijuana how to grow ebook or whatever. It didn't explain it that well. I have a learning disorder so it's hard for me to retain new information and study. But I force myself to due to the love I have for this plant. It's IMO the MOST BEAUTIFUL plant on earth. I joke that my girlfriend is Mary Jane, hah.

Thanks again and any help/suggestions is welcomed and appreciated! One Love, Positive Vibes, and Peace to all!
Respect man. You should become a great grower with your determination. Trail and error is the only way we learn to better ourselves. Stay Lifted:leaf: