Mother Flusher

Not because im lazy but to save many minutes of time im considering flushing 2 large mothers in 5 Gallon pots with ffof in bathtub using say 15 gallons of tap water then r/o ph at 6.6 ....... will the r/o flush any chlorine from the tap water and adjust ph? If your answer is just flush with 15 gallons r/o thank you for trying ..... oh and these forums are foreign to me, is there a little box thing that I can put my little blinking thing over then push to get instructions on how to use them. Thx


In order to save time (and water)(and because I am lazy) I don't flush. I use FFOF and there really isn't any benefit in doing this. If you're having pH or Ca/Mg problems they probably need some dolomitic lime.
My mothers are six and nine months old. They grow like weeds but lately they have been harder to clone and have begun to have dead leafs, before 95n Percent of clones rooted now like 75. Just thinking a flush then mild ferts would be like a anima for them. Make them feel better. I have not came across much info on mothers. Its ez enough to make new ones...just hate killing these ladies ...thanks alot


bud bootlegger
Why not just make new moms?
Take some clones and designate them moms? You could than flower out the old moms and smoke and enjoy?
Really is no issue making some new moms.. :)


Well-Known Member
i`m with racerboy on this. for being a lazy stoner that sure sounds ambitious. lol... and just an fyi, your water probably has chloramine and not chlorine, if that`s the case you`re wasting your time trying to get rid of it. i read somewhere yesterday that ro wont even get rid of it.