"Mother - Clones" Grow Process


Active Member
Hi. I'm a new grower. My veg/flowering room is coming along very nicely. Now, I would like to create a "Mother - Clones" grow room. I'm planning on using a plastic storage cabinet, similar to the "Sterilite" cabinets found at Wal Mart, but with deeper dimensions.

So, let me guess at the process here, and please correct me where I'm wrong.

1. I will start my "Mother Candidates" from good seeds, in the "Mother -Clones" grow room. When they are ready for the veg room, I'll move them there.

2. As soon as the veg plants are ready for the flower room, I'll move them back to the "Mother -Clones" grow room, and take one clone from each. Then I'll veg and flower the clones, to determine the sex of the "Mother Candidates". Then I'll throw all males out.

3. From the best looking mother, I'll take clones to be fully raised. When they're ready for the veg room, I'll move them there. But I'll leave my mother plants in the "Mother - Clones" grow room, under the T5 florescent lights, to be cloned for a long time (i.e. as long as she looks good).

So, does this sound OK? Is it OK to perpetually keep the mother plants under the T5's? Or should they be kept under MH or HPS lights?

Please feel free to make suggestions.


The only thing i would change is to drop the veg stage with the clone for sexing. As soon as your question plants clone as roots turn the light. No reason to waste time growing a plant that you may toss.
also you can put the mom in the veg room just fine.
one more thing... if you are guna just wait to grow clone tell your done flowering a cycle, then your mom is guna be massive by the time to clip for cuttings is due. The way i do it is to take a clone from a veging plant and move that vegging doner to the flower area, or turn light. That way by time its done flowering the clone is rdy to be flowered and the cycle contiunes. I have a plant in its 12th gen of clone and have noticed no change is the plant it all.