Most Shameful Smoke


Well-Known Member
Scraped my piece and smoked the "resin" out of a tinny.

Nasty as hell, total headache high, but reality.


New Member
fucking bob saget lol but one time i hadnt cleaned my pipe in a long time, it was getting bad like had to get air to come throught so i cleaned it out and smoked all the shit inside, Really fucking nasty but i dont remember waht happened after i smoked it so it couldnt have been bad plus i woke up naked next to a girl who is my current girlfriend so it was doing to the dirty to get the dirty


Well-Known Member
if u ball up some dank ass resin its not nearly as bad as some of the dirt weed out there

gets u higher too
my homie had this HUGE glasspiece that he smoked nothing but grade A dank with and never cleaned. in times of need, we could smoke his pipe for days without even cleaning it. we would light the carb-hole for awhile, then light the bowl-hole for a bit, turn it around and light the mouthpiece. it never ended


Well-Known Member
my homie had this HUGE glasspiece that he smoked nothing but grade A dank with and never cleaned. in times of need, we could smoke his pipe for days without even cleaning it. we would light the carb-hole for awhile, then light the bowl-hole for a bit, turn it around and light the mouthpiece. it never ended
lol resin rips!


New Member
when i was about 15 i fell asleep with a sack of shwag in my pocket and picked it off my ass in the morning to smoke.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
when i was like 14 i grew my first plant out in a field by my house... i literally no idea what i was doing... i ferted with nasty shit... one day me and my buds needed some smoke so i had the bright idea of cutting some of the huge fan leaves (because surely they contain more of this THC stuff) dried them in the oven CAREFUL of not burning them

proudly crushed em up in front of my drooling crowd... loaded up the old school PVC pipe bong... got a good "just got some weed" hit.... let loose the CARB and holyshit it was like inhaling broken glass and gravel. but that didn't deter us, hell you weren't a man if you couldn't hold your smoke, our lungs were probably gushing blood.

my friends and i couldn't breathe right for hours we all got gigantic headaches and passed out, two of my friends stop smoking weed after that experience. in all we probably took a few days off our lives.

the good ol days

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I'll admit that I've resorted to making a J out of about 6 old roach ends.... I was desperate.
Roach ends are classy compared to what i've done, I once rubbed some tobacco around some empty bags in an attempt to get some thc, I'd run out of weed AND roach ends. It SEEMED to get me high, but it was almost definatly my imagination, I was so desperate that it had some sort of placebo effect on me. I apolagise, I give stoners a bad name. I once smoked some dried mint as well, not to get high, just for something interesting to do. That was pretty shameful.


Active Member
about 2 years ago, when i moved outta state to my current location, i had no contacts whatsoever for bud. so i researched it and tried it... and for the record: CATNIP DOESNT GET YOU HIGH


Well-Known Member
its ok when i was young like 13 i asked my brother about smokin weed so what he does is gives me oregano and my dumb ass smoked it all up and acted a fool because i thought i was high.....i guess the placebo effect works to an extent


New Member
left a quarter pound of stems in a bottle of vodka for a few days, drank like a half liter, boiled the rest, after straining it of course, until all that remained was hastily acquired hash oil, and SMOKED it. that shit melts. made cookies. shitty tho. got me fucked up.


Active Member
about 2 years ago, when i moved outta state to my current location, i had no contacts whatsoever for bud. so i researched it and tried it... and for the record: CATNIP DOESNT GET YOU HIGH
LOL at least you give it a shot lol


Well-Known Member
we used to go my friends house and smoke. anyways,

i used to roll up on his side desk thing which was next to a wall. we had no weed at all one day so we decided to move his stuff and scrape up all the weed that had fallen down on the skirting board and floor.

we all had a toke of a dirty floor joint. probably the worst thing ive ever smoked. that or soap bar


Well-Known Member
who hasn't smoked a good ol' fashioned floor joint now and again?
i used to know a guy who did this regularly, he called it "carpet surfing".

hell just the other day as im making my bed a friend asks if i had any dope. i was about to say "yeah, downstairs" when i looked at my sheets and low and behold there sits a renagade nug.