Most Ridiculous method you've used to smoke?


Active Member
Iv smoked out of the can, the "home made water bong" and the worst one was using tissue paper for a joint...mi still use homemade pieces though like the gravity bong and my soda bottle bong... Not very often though...


Active Member
When I used to work in restaurants I made pipes out of empty plastic ketchup bottles. Wash them good, take off the back label, cut out a hole (the size of bowl you wanted), tape down aluminum foil to form the bowl, and a hole in the side for a carb. Then you have the flip top lid/mouthpiece. It worked like a champ in a pinch. They were red plastic bottles so I could keep it sitting on my desk until everyone else left at the end of the night and no one had any clue. I actually still have the last one I made 4 years ago sitting in a cabinet with all the rest of my pipes and other smoking stuff! lol


Well-Known Member
Someone made me remember my friend and I tried making a bong out of a empty Paper towel roll, a bic pen and some foil, we were like 13 even had a carb. That was a one time deal :)


Well-Known Member
I was just about to add the paper towel roll, toilet paper roll too. Cut out a square put some foil in it for the bowl, a hole in the side. Steamroller!


Well-Known Member
the strangest smoking 'device' i've used was a bucket bong - cut off soda bottle and bucket of water.. but the most creative I've been at lighting up when I ran out of lighters and couldn't leave the house was lighting the wooden end of incense stick at the bottom of the gas oven and using that.

stoners are a creative bunch.


Coca-Cola cans, and small pipes made out of Tin-foil, back when I was a kid. Then we learned how to make gravity bongs from common household supplies, it was all over then, lol.

Ah, the good old days. I miss the hell out of em sometimes. I have much danker nugs, and expensive percolated bongs to smoke out of now though.