Most reliable distributor for Subcool/TGA

:bigjoint::bigjoint:Speedy , do you accept VISA gift cards ? :dunce:

Some work and some don't, only way to find out if yours does is to place an order and find out, it either does or doesn't. The address you enter into the payment area though, needs to match the address linked to the card when you bought it.
speedy seems like a good honest guy.his prices are comparable. ive used the tude a few times. and other than one time ive been happy(got a pack of sensi seed hash plant seeds..and only four of them were good..)at 180 for them beans i contacted the tude and they NEVER got back with dont need to be told how great their service is..they are good..they gaurantee shipping. speedys TGA strains are ALOT cheaper than the tudes..not all strains of speedys are cheaper.
my major concern is i live in a state..if your beans are caught at customs they WILL SEND THE FUCKING DRUG DOGS AND STATE POLICE TO YOUR FUCKING HOME(been to jail for it)
so im really nervous about even buying seeds in this state.(indiana).there were so many fucking pigs at my home it looked like a fucking donut convention.
they very FIRST place they go to is your computor.i dont shit were i eat so they didnt find anything but a pipe and a gram of weed..(still cost me fucking 10 grand.)lawyers fines court costs..bail...fucking unreal..this government is so fucking corrupted it is unreal. its ALL about the money..they dont give a flying fuck if you get high..they know everyone almost gets high.its ALL about the money.if they legalized it they KNOW they would not make money on it. there is a reason the US incarcerates more people than any other country.
we are slaves to these fucking tyrants .we work for them ..they steal from us with a different than the mafia.
PS: my and my lawyer kept these fuckers tied up in court for a LONG time wasting money.and better yet we kept their drug dog cop and his dog off the street for several days when he would have been busting other marijuana users..i told my lawyer it is his DUTY to cost these fuckers as much time as possible and keep that fucking dog off of the street .if we all KEPT them running and looking for seeds..costing the tax payers billions of dollars ..make it more expensive for them ..eventualy with the economy as bad as it is it will run them out of money and bankrupt their sorry ass's.then they wont have the funds to hunt down marijuana users and treat them like terrorists.
hi all!

im trying to buy wholesale seeds from Subcool for my growshop in Spain. I see this thread a couple months ago and saw that Cannaseur was selling TGA seeds. I registered at the website, make the wholesale account, and waited, waited, waited, but they didnt activated my account. I wrote them some emails, but i haven´t received any reply :( Too bad for Cannaseur.
So i want to ask Subcool, where can i buy your seeds?
Its really very difficult to get seeds stock from USA and Canada seedsbank here in Spain. Im really bored of growing always the same Dutch and Spanish genetics, i tried some times with BOG seeds, like Bogglegum, with very good results, and also Godbud from Mist of Destruction, wich i liked very much too. I think TGA has a very good genetic pool, with original strains that are very rare here in Spain, so if you can help me to find a good place to get your seeds stock, i will be very happy!

Thanks in advance, hope to know from you soon!
large selection of tga strains in stock now at, get 3 free tga seeds with every pack, limited time only.
large selection of tga strains in stock now at, get 3 free tga seeds with every pack, limited time only.
Gee, I'd love to purchase some but I can't seem to get any help with a secure method of payment. Oh well, there are plenty of other reputable seedbanks I suppose. ;-)
Speedy's a good guy to deal with man, help out the little guys not the big companies. We are the building blocks of this economic recovery
Gee, I'd love to purchase some but I can't seem to get any help with a secure method of payment. Oh well, there are plenty of other reputable seedbanks I suppose. ;-)
were currently not setup for money orders, i have been giving it some serious consideration all day though.
i think Subcool is TGA Seeds, just looked at some on Next Generation Seed Bank. i think they ship here! good luck! i just checked, yes, he is, they have Querkle, that's the ones i want.
damn all you got to do is go down to a cash advance or cash express what every they call them in your area take your money down their buy a pre paid visa debit card(normally they give them to you for FREE )go on line with speedy and purchase the seeds, wow its not hard people.
not hard to take a postal money order. take it made out to you or your company deposit it into bank account and WA LA paid.
MAKE sure it clears before shipment though.unless it is a US postal money order.then its good as gold other than the exchange rate being a bit risky.
i suppose its as good as having it in pounds .
not hard to take a postal money order. take it made out to you or your company deposit it into bank account and WA LA paid.
MAKE sure it clears before shipment though.unless it is a US postal money order.then its good as gold other than the exchange rate being a bit risky.
i suppose its as good as having it in pounds .
my worry with funds passing through the postal services hands is when something goes wrong and the payment doesn't get there and then the customer thinks the vendor has ripped them off and the vendor thinks its someone scamming.
were currently not setup for money orders, i have been giving it some serious consideration all day though.
No worries. I thought you were ignoring me. :evil:

my worry with funds passing through the postal services hands is when something goes wrong and the payment doesn't get there and then the customer thinks the vendor has ripped them off and the vendor thinks its someone scamming.
I see your point. I normally use hempdepot which only accepts cash or money order but I thought they could be tracked pretty easily. My point is I absolutely will not use any form of payment which can be linked to me, period! Call me paranoid but it's how I've managed to stay out of jail for over 15 years. bongsmilie

I really would like to use your seedbank so let me know if you think of a solution. I won't be purchasing for a month or 2 so there's no pressure. :peace:
No worries. I thought you were ignoring me. :evil:

I see your point. I normally use hempdepot which only accepts cash or money order but I thought they could be tracked pretty easily. My point is I absolutely will not use any form of payment which can be linked to me, period! Call me paranoid but it's how I've managed to stay out of jail for over 15 years. bongsmilie

I really would like to use your seedbank so let me know if you think of a solution. I won't be purchasing for a month or 2 so there's no pressure. :peace:

I will arrange a po box on monday morning, anything sent must give proof of receipt, if the money order is sent without and I don't receive it, then I will not be held liable.
I will arrange a po box on monday morning, anything sent must give proof of receipt, if the money order is sent without and I don't receive it, then I will not be held liable.
I will use a U.S. postal international money order. I'm not worried about you scamming me. I know you don't know me but you don't need to worry about me either. You have a reputation to uphold as do I so I would never bust a gasket over a couple of hundred bucks (I won't go much over $200 per order). I'm not sure what you mean by proof of receipt. Are you talking certified mail? That shouldn't be a problem. :mrgreen:

Thank you BTW.