Most Overrated Strain?

Definately would have to be them regs/brown/very dark green weed that is sold around the united states in many northern cities. that strain fucking SUCKS.
Well, the Mexican "schwagg" you refer to may not be very good, but pretty much everyone knows that its not, so I don't think its fair to say its "overrated". Nobody is going around saying this is great stuff!

What I would say, having tried some truly excellent herb grown from "shwagg" bagseeds, is that the schwagg is actually one of the most UNDERRATED strains! The problem with the schwagg is that its grow outdoors in Mexico in big fields, allowed to get seeded, harvested before its peak, cured badly, pressed into bricks for smuggling, transported through 110 degree heat, stored badly, then sold months later.

Take the same exact strains, grow them seedlessly, harvest at their peak, cure and store properly, and you might be quite astonished at how good the stuff can be.

In my opinion, the most over-rated strain is White Widow(75% of all seed banks offer a knock off of it)
That's the whole problem right there. . .the knockoffs are not nearly as good as the original.
Go try some of Mr. Nice's "Black Widow" and I think you'll find it quite a bit better.
every strain nirvana offers has bad genitics, long flowering times and the end result is nothing like the pic they supply or the description.
true about not resembling the pictures they post on the internet, they actually rip those from other breeders of whom have strains of the same name. If you really want to see their gear it should be in a grow journal, genetics are probably sketchy at best but the end result is mostly good from what ive grown, though i wouldn't say any of their gear is overrated.
what do you all think is the most overrated marijuana strain there is. id have to say white widow, ik back in its hayday it was great but no one seems to grow good white widow anymore

The main reason that some are not impressed by "White Widow" is because they grow "White Widow" knockoffs rather than growing the original genetics which was, years back, renamed Black Widow and can only be found from Mr. Nice Seeds.

Try growing the Real McCoy once and then get back to me and let me know how unimpressed you are and how you believe it to be overrated.

Sure the original has been around a while, but it's still better than most of the garbage that has been released by the multitude of pollen chuckers that pawn themselves off as being true professional breeders.

You are the absolutely perfect example of what is wrong with so many growers when it comes to picking what strain or strains to grow. They wrongly assume that each and every year there is a continual improvement in overall potency, and that some new strains have large increases, and that any strain, regardless of how successful it was/is, if it has a little dust on it's name then it cannot be as good as the latest mutt some talentless pollen chucker released.

I would bet my left nut that if someone secretly took a handful of fairly old second and third place Cup winners, not even first place winners, and renamed them with some keen name and re-released them, many growers would go totally Lady Gaga over them and say they are the greatest thing since the invention of fire, or the wheel. What's more, most or all the strains would in fact be better than most of the trash that has been released since their second or third place wins.

It would be a mistake to underestimate a highly famous strain just because it has a little dust on it's name, and it would be an even bigger mistake to put to much faith in some 'new kid on the block' breeder or a 'Wal-Mart level breeder' and their latest Heinz 57 Variety mutt release coming close to being true quality genetics.
Skunk 1 is underated and about as cheap to by in seeds and easy to grow with fantastic yields.


While it is old, the very first Cannabis Cup Winner, it is still better than a lot of the trash that is released. When comparing THC levels alone, which a a HORRIBLE way to pick or rate genetics, it will not match up with a fair number, but what it gives you is still high quality smoke, lots of it and with tremendous ease, all at a very low price.

The last time I looked Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 was in the low $30-range for five feminized seeds, roughly $60.00 for ten and in the low to mid $40.00 range for ten regular seeds. At those prices, and considering all that you get for such a small amount, I would purchase Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 over all, or most anything else, in the same general price range.

It is a great value, especially for a first time or newer grower who isn't experienced enough yet to feel comfortable shelling out two, three, four or more times as much money for professional genetics.

Of all the older strains it has likely been used to make more newer crosses, and or is a part of more newer crosses, than any other older strain. If not, it is without question in the top five of older strains that have been used to make newer crosses, and or is part of more newer crosses. And it wasn't picked to be used that often because it is low grade.

It is sort of like a veteran athlete, one that isn't quite as fast as the new guys on the team, but when the pressure is on and real results are needed, unlike the newer slightly faster athletes, you can count on the veteran to come through for you.
Hey brick top, is the original white widow(black widow) the current one used in the G13xWW being offered by Mr.Nice? Asking as I purchased three packs and that was one of them. Assuming it would have to be... To be fair to the original I have cracked the following with very much dislike... Hence my current opinion.
Dutch passion-white widow (pine)
Female seeds- white widow (pine)
Pyramid seeds- white widow (pine)
Smoked in Amsterdam in 2004 at the gray area coffe shop then again in colorado.....pine all the way... I was starting to notice a trend in the smell n taste department..(not a fan) is this a characteristic of the original..?....umm again this is all assuming you have some experience with the original

OG Kush is definitely not overrated if you're getting the true strain. My tolerance is so high that I no longer really rate buds on their high, its hard to get a good buzz unless I eat a jumbo on the rise (7.5 gram dwt cannabis flowers) however OG Kush is an amazing smelling strain. Even now growing if I rub the stem it fills your scents with a nice sour skunk smell. I would have to say the most overrated strain out here right now is girl scout cookies. Its an indica dominant strain I believe it has a very good smell but it had so much hype there's no way it couldn't have been a letdown. I'm growing white widow right now and I haven't tried it yet but when I was a youngster everyone had white widow or claimed to have it. I doubt I even have the true cut (got a darkheart clone from harborside). I decided if I want to try it I gotta grow it myself. On the other hand Romulan IMO is a legendary strain that is underrated around here. It's an Indica and it will knock you on your ass but it is damn potent in the head too.
Hey brick top, is the original white widow(black widow) the current one used in the G13xWW being offered by Mr.Nice?

The strain name is, according to the Mr. Nice site, G13Widow ... some seedbanks call it G13 X Widow ... neither Black nor White is found in the name on the Mr. Nice Seeds site, or other places I can remember seeing the strain, but the genetics are Afghan/skunk, South Indian, Brazilian .. and the Brazilian sativa crossed with the South Indian indica is Black Widow ... and I HIGHLY doubt that Scott Blakey (Shantibaba) would EVER use some knockoff of someone elses in place of his original genetics.

On the other hand Romulan IMO is a legendary strain that is underrated around here. It's an Indica and it will knock you on your ass but it is damn potent in the head too.



Rumors and guesses on the parentage of Romulan abound. Claims that the Romulan is a pure Indica (Afghani/Kush) are mistaken. While there may be some genetics from Indica (Afghani) varieties, anyone who has tried the Romulan knows that the mind warping effect is that of plant with strong sativa traits.

`Romulan Joe` and I have had many conversations on the origin of this strain. According to him the original breeders started growing in there backyard and greenhouse in the 50`s, after being introduced to cannabis in the Korean war and bringing home seeds to Victoria. They struggled to grow and acclimatise these seeds selecting the faster flowering shorter plants from the tall lanky Korean strain. When the late sixties, early seventies rolled around they began trying Colombian and Mexican seeds and hybridized varieties from these. In the mid 80`s when the Afghani strains swept into North America they briefly tried hybridizing with these but eventually when back to selecting the traits they liked in there old genetics. They worked mainly with Sativa genetics but always selected shorter squatter phenotypes which has made many people think that it is purely Indica strain. But whatever its true genealogy is, I`m sure we can all agree on its great taste and high.
The main reason that some are not impressed by "White Widow" is because they grow "White Widow" knockoffs rather than growing the original genetics which was, years back, renamed Black Widow and can only be found from Mr. Nice Seeds.

Try growing the Real McCoy once and then get back to me and let me know how unimpressed you are and how you believe it to be overrated.

Sure the original has been around a while, but it's still better than most of the garbage that has been released by the multitude of pollen chuckers that pawn themselves off as being true professional breeders.

You are the absolutely perfect example of what is wrong with so many growers when it comes to picking what strain or strains to grow. They wrongly assume that each and every year there is a continual improvement in overall potency, and that some new strains have large increases, and that any strain, regardless of how successful it was/is, if it has a little dust on it's name then it cannot be as good as the latest mutt some talentless pollen chucker released.

I would bet my left nut that if someone secretly took a handful of fairly old second and third place Cup winners, not even first place winners, and renamed them with some keen name and re-released them, many growers would go totally Lady Gaga over them and say they are the greatest thing since the invention of fire, or the wheel. What's more, most or all the strains would in fact be better than most of the trash that has been released since their second or third place wins.

It would be a mistake to underestimate a highly famous strain just because it has a little dust on it's name, and it would be an even bigger mistake to put to much faith in some 'new kid on the block' breeder or a 'Wal-Mart level breeder' and their latest Heinz 57 Variety mutt release coming close to being true quality genetics.

Agreeing heartily with all of this, and just to expand, max modern hybrid strain potency has probably been achieved over 20 years ago. (I say "modern hybrid" to contrast with max pure sativa/pure indica landrace potency, which was probably achieved independently in many parts of the globe HUNDREDS of years ago). Strains most definitely are NOT getting more potent every year.

Just in terms of absolute potency, "Williams Wonder" from 1990 (or earlier) is probably as strong as anything from today, and even a good cut of Northern Lights is still better than much of the stuff out there nowadays in terms of potency.

I think the biggest improvements since the 90s are in terms of FLAVOR than in pure potency.

Personally, I don't put much stock in "cannabis cups" since in my opinion they are largely formats designed to market seed companies (and more specifically to hype seed companies that advertise with the contest sponsors) rather than events that truly evaluate strain quality. If you look at the list of winners from the High Times Cannabis Cups from the last twenty years, the same company names come up again and again, and. . .surprise. . .by pure coincidence, they also happen to be big advertisers in the magazine.

Anyway, since this was brought up, as you might have heard, someone did exactly what you suggested above. AK-47, a strain that first placed in a HT Cannabis cup in 1994, just took third place in the recent HT cannabis cup. If you believe that placing in cannabis cups actually says something meaningful about the strains in question (and again, I'm a bit skeptical), then this does say something about the longevity of the old-school genetics.

I'd make a simple first-principles argument. The fact that strains like Skunk #1 and Northern lights even still exist at all, says something pretty convincing about their quality. If the stuff from today was really head and shoulders above these 20-30+ year old strains, then the older strains would be extinct. . .nobody would be growing them anymore, let alone breeding them or selling the seeds.

On Skunk #1, that strain forms the basis of many, if not most, of today's "super" strains, including the Jack Herer strains, supposedly all the "Cheese" strains, and probably also all the "dog" and "diesel" strains.

Yeah, I think you could do a lot worse for $40.
The strain name is, according to the Mr. Nice site, G13Widow ... some seedbanks call it G13 X Widow ... neither Black nor White is found in the name on the Mr. Nice Seeds site, or other places I can remember seeing the strain, but the genetics are Afghan/skunk, South Indian, Brazilian .. and the Brazilian sativa crossed with the South Indian indica is Black Widow ... and I HIGHLY doubt that Scott Blakey (Shantibaba) would EVER use some knockoff of someone elses in place of his original genetics.

I see that your correct on that it's simply called widow on Mr.Nice's site... attitude has it listed as "White"

No, matter I'll be popping these soon enough... hopefully there is not a piney smell lol
yep yep jogrow you summed it up best. all these strains come from original sources of heirloom/land-race strains the key is to get an original and find the best one (strongest smoke smell taste and bag appeal) so you could have a 1000 afgani and 2-3 would be super excellent so this is to say all hybrids and super weed come from average weed over time. this is why i will still throw down some bagseed to grow cuz if your looking for the new skunk#1 your gonna have to grow a shit ton of afgani or get real lucky.

so this poses a new question is it better to buy seeds for a slightly better product, fem seeds breeder seeds(fairly homogenous in phenotypes) or grow random/reg seeds hope you find a true keeper?
so this poses a new question is it better to buy seeds for a slightly better product, fem seeds breeder seeds(fairly homogenous in phenotypes) or grow random/reg seeds hope you find a true keeper?

I say do what sounds fun.. for me I couldn't even tell you where to buy smoke from anymore... I've been out of that side of the game for a good amount of time now. If I want something new it's coming from a seedbank...
anything sold thats
20 or more a gram.OVERATED @alphawolf bagseeds you have NO idea what traits were passed on and literally have no idea what it is except for the bud it came with.Fem'd seeds you actually know what your growing and therefore can give them what they idk...i think it all really depends on grower
what do you all think is the most overrated marijuana strain there is. id have to say white widow, ik back in its hayday it was great but no one seems to grow good white widow anymore

I can only speak for the plants that I have personally grown from seed. I don't know the genetics of a bud that is purchased from a dispensary, or a cutting that has come from someone else, so I won't comment on anything that I haven't personally ordered from seed and grown myself.

I always buy a 10 (or 11) pack, and run them through looking for a female keeper. Of the 20+ strains I've grown, I'd say the most disappointing was Master Kush from Dutch Passion. The yield was excellent, but I don't really care about yield that much. There was a lot of variation between phenotypes, but even the best phenotype of the bunch was a very nondescript smell and taste, with a very weak high. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone other than someone looking for a big commercial yield with a relatively short flower.