Story time.
The first summer I spent away from home in college was magical. I loved the area so much I decided to work up there for summer and to have fun with my friends who were also staying up there for the same reason. It was a summer of nothing but good times; copious amounts of Dub-ya, drinkin, partying, outdoors, road trips, and that one bombshell girlfriend youll never forget. All in all, it was the best summer of my life. Id get up at 5:30 every morning for work and get off at 2 and as soon as id get off work id start having fun. We'd do the kind of stuff you do in the summer up here, we'd go to the beach, go cliff jumping, golfing, etc etc all the time baked out of our minds. Once night set in we mixed it up with parties at all of our houses; everyone who knew anybody would show up. Im getting off track but basically, that whole place was the memorable moment(s).
One thing ill never forget is right after I broke up with my girlfriend-- she was a bombshell. She was that one summer fling you have when your young thatll never happen again and youll never forget. I could get all sentimental and shit but no one wants to hear that bullshit so illl leave it out. Basically I was crushed. I needed some cheering up and my friends could probably tell so we went on a roadtrip to my friends hometown. Its an awesome town right on Lake Michigan with nothing but perfect beaches, hot tourists, and lots of weed. As soon as we pulled in to town (real early in the morning mind you) my friend who was from there pulled off onto this little dirt road headed towards the beach. We zig-zagged through some prime northern hardwoods until we reached a cliff where we just looked over lake Michigan in a thick summer-morning fog hundreds of feet above the shore. My friend busted out some white-owls and we rolled 2 blunts and just sat, watched, talked, and laughed overlooking this awesome view. I didnt care about anything else and it was pure heaven. After all was said and done and when we went to drive away, I saw a whitetail running through the woods so I bailed out of the moving car to chase after it, almost caught it too.

Good times. The rest of the weekend we drank and smoked around bonfires on the beach all night and tubed and wakeboarded all day. Best summer of my life, ill never forget it.